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A while later they were all walking to the kitchen. Ranboo had asked if they wanted anything to drink, since it had been a while. They all ended up agreeing, Techno was the first person after Ranboo to be at the bottom of the stairs. He turned his head to look at the kitchen, and saw him.

"Oh Dream! I didn't know you were down here."
Ranboo said looking into the kitchen

Dream on his part, looked up from what he was doing. He was stirring something, to Techno's knowledge it looked to be some kind of batter.

"Oh, your making cookies! Im guessing its a recipe from cooking class then?"

Dream nodded at that, going back to what he was doing before. 'he's not very talkative i've noticed' and also cookies? He constantly forgets that Dream has cooking class first period. They all ended up sitting down at the table (since there was enough chairs for all 5 of them + Dream) Conversation started up between the other four people as I just sat there listening.

I began zoning out, so I shifted my eyes to look around the room. Failing in the process and watching him. He was scooping the cookie dough onto a cookie sheet, I could see his face finally. He didn't have his mask, it makes sense since he's at home. I never quite understood why I was so intrigued by him, or why I always ended up starring. Now he was moving to put them in the oven to bake, setting a timer and then pulling his phone out.


I put the cookies in the oven to bake, setting the timer to 15 minutes. Pulling my phone out and leaning on the counter, I realize I had a text. So I open it, deciding to clean up right after I answer back.

Yeah but im also quite bad at writing full essays

Dw I do as well if you want we can help each-other? I can come by your house tomorrow after school

He already knew Aiden had a crush on him, but he wanted to be nice and at least help him with the english essay. Maybe also slowly let him down on the crush part? Since he doesn't like him back after all, putting his phone away he turned around to start cleaning up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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