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|| a/n || Hey y'all i'm alive! and I got chapter 3 for you guys :). This chapter has been written out for a while but I didn't publish it :,)

I also wanted to say that this book is always in Technos POV  unless it says other wise, and sorry but the next chapter may be a little bit shorter then usual. || end a/n ||

It was the end of the day, and we were waiting for Tubbo. My eyes drifted and along with them my body/head, and who did they drift to? I was now watching as Dream walked past the conner and to someone to talk to them. I watched them for their whole (quite short) conversation, and then they parted ways. The one person walking my way and turning around to say bye, while Dream just turned his head and said what Techno thought was bye. He got in a silver car, in the passenger seat, I also noticed that Ranboo walked to the same car with a boy and girl. Thats when it came to him.

"Hey Tommy how are we getting to Ranboo's house?"

"Oh we can just walk its close enough to the school"
he replied

"Wait then why is he being picked up?"
I pointed at the car that was now driving away while asking

"It's nice and sunny out, and they kinda have a full car-"


time skip

They began their walk once Tubbo showed up, they grew closer to their destination. Once arrived we were semi fighting over who was going to knock, and we ended up forcing Tubbo to. Only it wasn't Ranboo who opened the door, he didn't know this person.

"Hello?.. How can I help you?"
the person asked

"Oh- were here for Ranboo?"
Tubbo replied

Ranboo came running up behind the person
"Sorry XD that's my bad! Thank you for opening the door though"

XD? That's a weird name (no offense of course). But Ranboo popped his head next to XD,  fully stepping in front of the doorway while XD left, and invited us in.

"Hehe, sorry I wasn't the one to open the door. I was taking care of my younger brother."
Ranboo said sheepishly

"Don't worry it's fine, also how many siblings do you have?"
Tommy asked in reply

"Oh I have five other siblings, I could tell you about them if you guys want."
Ranboo was now leading them to his room

They now sat in Ranboo's room talking on the floor, Tubbo brought up the subject of Ranboo's siblings once more.

"So, Ranboo you said you had five other siblings?"

"Oh yeah! I do yeah, I did say I could tell you about them."

"Yeah why don't you, they seem like lovely people."
Wilbur added

and so Ranboo began talking about his other siblings. Techno only looking forward to hearing about Dream, but trying not to look to hurried about it.

"The eldest is Alison, shes really nice. Techno and Wilbur might get along well with her, and XD! He's kinda more secluded but he's lovely when you get to meet him. He's the second oldest, and Dreams the third. I'm closes with him, then theres me. Drista and Aaron are the two youngest, both trouble makers. I can't lie it's fun todo stuff with them."

"Woah! Ok ok, wait-"
Tommy was cut off by Tubbo

"That's sweet! Whats it like having so many siblings?"

"It's nice, to say the least."

After that they continued their conversation, talking about school, what their plans were for summer. Along with if they had plans for the weekend, or any other days.

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