Sick day

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Matt's POV

"Chrisss" i semi yelled

"Ugh what now" he wined

"Can you call y/n I want her to come over"

"If it gets you off my fucking back sure"

"That's so rude...but true"

Chris stood in the door way calling y/n. Once she answered I could hear her voice and it made me instantly happy

"Hey, Matt's literally dying with a stomach bug and he's so fucking needy. Can you pleaseee come over and save me and Nick also it's been way to long since I seen you. So pleaseee come over"

"Haha yeah sure I can, I'll be there in 5"

"Thank youuu"

Chris ended the call and left the room

"NICKKK" I yelled

He came charging into my room

"Matt I love you and I know you're sick but oh my FUCKING god if you say my name one more time im going to LOSE IT"

Going too..

"Okay, okay" I said sitting up "I'm sorry, but I never get sick and whenever you and Chris are sick I go out of my way to make you guys feel better...and before you say anything YES I know I've been extremely needy but I count on you both for that so bad"

I looked at Nick and he stood there taking it all in

"Ugh fine. I'm sorry, I should be more understanding" he said walking over to me

I stood up going to hug him but I got really dizzy and fell. Lucky Nick was there to catch me

"Jesus do you need me to harness you to the roof or something" he said laughing

I laughed with him but was honestly confused "I don't know why that happened"

"You haven't gotten out of bed in like 2 days"

"Yeah I don't know how I did that"

Nick helped me stand up and thenn I hugged him.

"Thank you for helping me..big brothers are the best"

We both pulled apart and Nick smiled at me

"Am I interfering with something" a voice said behind us

Nick moved outta the way and we both seen y/n

Because I just fell I couldn't run to her but Nick sure did

He ran for his fucking life just to hug MY girlfriend

"Ugh I missed you" Nick said spinning here around

"I was here like 3 days ago"

"I know that's a long fucking time"

Y/n laughed as Nick put her down and she walked over to me

Matthew Sturniolo Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now