Chapter Index

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Chapter 2; Sleeping- Mirage of Remus memories

Chapter 3; Battle- The last time Fred and George see each other

Chapter 4; Wicked- Ron asking Fred and George for help to get to Harry during CoS

Chapter 5; Serious- James using THE pun

Chapter 6; Train Ride- Hermione's second-year train ride.

Chapter 7; AU Third Task- Excerpt, AU of chapter 89, The Third Task for my reading the books fic, All in the Family

Chapter 8; Proper Goodbye- Remus and Sirius at the end of the third book getting their last words in. After the Moony incident but before the next day.

Chapter 9; Self-Imposed- Draco's POV of September 1st on fifth, sixth, and seventh year

Chapter 10; Tell Me When to Stop- Muggle-AU, Remus coming to work on the Black farm. Wolfstar, Disablity!AU

Chapter 11; What's at Heart- Sirius' decision to not leave the house gets put to the test when Harry's yet again abandoned, this time by Dumbledore. ie Sirius' reaction to the news Dumbledore left the school in fifth year.

Chapter 12; Grumbles the Grubby Goat- Aberforth recites their favorite story to Ariana.

Chapter 13; As Good As- Molly's thoughts after hearing of Arthur's attack by Nagini in OotP.

Chapter 14; A Boy and his Toad- Short Drabble of a self explanatory title.

Chapter 15; Posthumous Event- Percy is trying to find his family during/after the events of the Quidditch world cup.

Chapter 16; Fairy Tales are Real- James's pet dying, and his mother reading him Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump.

Chapter 17; Back to the Burrow, Again- "Harry stood at the gates of the Burrow taking in the house, leaning on the steady wooden structure of the last fence post for support...One could never guess Fred Weasley's death now haunted them all." Harry having one last mental back and forth of where he should call home, with Molly Weasley to the rescue.

Chapter 18; Drowning in Dawn- Deleted scene from Deathly Hallows, Ron's interaction with the snatchers and his reflection of the before and after.

Chapter 19; Snape's Revenge- What If: Snape had tried to get revenge on the Marauders in school after Sirius's cruel prank?

Chapter 20; The Boy Who Wasn't- Neville's POV on Snape's potion class in The Boggart in the Wardrobe

Chapter 21; Handmade Heartbreak- When Dumbledore told Sirius to lay low at Lupin's, nobody had forwarned Remus of this. Mostly unworked through emotions from the Shrieking Shack and old friends reworking to put their life together, only Wolfstar if you squint.

Chapter 22; The Mirror of the Lake- Albus and Scorpius have a memorable trip their first time seeing Hogwarts, and it's not their first day of term.

Chapter 23; Bequeath- Harry's next visit to Gringotts is just as memorable as the time he broke in, but this time it's a treasure he does have a right to.

Chapter 24; Intrigue- James is forced to spend alone time with Regulus, and unfamiliar feelings bloom in the warm sun.- Jegulus

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