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This one is more like a mirage of memories, but when the idea came to me I couldn't bring myself to change it once I was done;


Remus Lupin fell asleep on the Quidditch pitch in the bleachers. James, Sirius, and Peter woke him up, and they kept him propped up all the way to the dormitory bed.

Remus Lupin fell asleep in the middle of Potions class, Peter took notes for both of them all class and woke him up with a shoulder tap and a smile.

Remus Lupin fell asleep in the common room. Sirius found him curled up on the couch with a book on his chest. Sirius took the blankets off both their beds, and dropped them over the other boy. He picked up his book and put it on the coffee table.

Remus Lupin fell asleep in the library, on top of his homework. James, who was quite a bit taller than the other boy at this point, lifted him up and carried him to their dorm room as gently as possible, grinning at his friend and shaking his head. He put him in his bed, turned off the light, heading outside, now late for the Quidditch practice he was supposed to be coaching.

Remus Lupin falls asleep on the Hogwarts Express, like he always used to do. No one wakes him, no one covers him. He is woken by the cold rush of his worst memories and a face that looks too familiar and far to young.

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