90. Questions of War

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"Can't I just have you to myself?" he complained while tracing small circles on her arm.

"I don't want to make Flora worry more than she already has," Allura answered, and he sighed.

"Alright... Let me help you get dressed then."

It wasn't long before Axis finished helping Allura with getting dressed, and the two made their way to the kitchen.

"AL!" Flora exclaimed, rushing to her beloved friend only to crash into the protective phoenix's outstretched hand, and he shielded Allura against his side. "R-right, sorry! I'm just- I'M SO HAPPY!" she cried as Axis lowered his arm, reluctantly releasing Allura, and Flora hugged her much more sensibly than she would have.

"I'm sorry," Allura whispered, gently stroking Flora's head as they embraced.

"No, you saved all of us," Flora sniffled. "You did good."

"Good to see you awake," Curo hummed, and he patted Allura's head as he walked by, heading straight for the coffee pot. "So what's this Cordis Sanguinem business?" he pressed without hesitation, pouring himself a fresh cup before looking at them, and he glanced at Axis with a slight scowl. "You mess up my handy work, and you'll be my next experiment," Curo threatened, and Axis's eyes widened.

"But-! I didn't-" Axis stuttered for a moment before scowling. "You know what?!" he barked before a smirk graced his lips. "She's worth it," he chimed, and Allura blushed faintly while Curo sighed into his cup with Flora snickering.

"If she's worth it, you wouldn't screw around with her healing," Curo retorted, and Axis's mouth fell open to counter, but after a moment he looked away, rubbing the back of his head. "Now, Cordis Sanguinem?" Curo restated before sipping his coffee and looking at Allura.

"Bleeding hearts," Allura answered, and Curo motioned for her to follow.

"I am well aware of what it means," he sighed, leading Allura to the exam room with Axis and Flora following along like puppies. "But what are you planning to do? Are you joining the war?" he pressed disapprovingly, and he motioned for Allura to sit on the table.

"It looks that way," Allura confirmed his suspicions. "My plans are the same as before. I'm still traveling and helping the victims, but now I have people doing the same... Helping me," she spoke slowly, carefully picking her words with the last two tasting foreign on her tongue.

"Well... at least you're accepting help," Curo took the win he could, and gently ushered her onto her back while handing his coffee off to Flora. "What is your goal?" he pressed, placing one hand against Allura's stomach and the other on her chest.

"End the wars," Allura stated as though it were simple. "I want to see more places like Sanctum," she added, and Flora's eyes widened slightly while Axis frowned.

"At what cost?" Curo questioned with a warmth spreading from his touch, soothing any aches Allura had.

"I don't care," Allura answered coldly, but a gentle smile soon reached her lips and a soft warmth caressed her voice, "as long as our family is safe."

"You can do that without joining the war," Curo retorted, maintaining a calm expression despite what he actually felt.

"Maybe, but... There are people like the group we found," Allura reminded him, and Curo removed his hands while she carefully sat up to look him in the eye. "And I like them... I can see us in them," she revealed, and Curo's eyes widened slightly before shaking his head, gently taking her broken arm in his grip.

"You can't sit still. How are you going to travel and lead? And you are going to need a base," he countered before casting a warning glare at Allura. "Don't even think of using Sanctum," he growled defensively, and shock flickered over Flora's face, but Allura laughed softly.

"I know Sanocuro better than to use his asylum for war," Allura teased, and Curo let out a heavy sigh.

"I wasn't sure if the trial-"

"I still pay respects where it is deserved, Curo," Allura assured him with a gentle smile, but he could see a deep pain in her eyes. "I understand why you and Rixa took your stances the way you did," she added quietly, and the same gentle warmth from before radiated through her arm from Curo's touch.

"What's she talking about?" Axis pressed in confusion. "Didn't you support her?!"

"No," Curo answered honestly, and flames flickered over Axis. "Rixacaelus stood against her... Only one god besides the almighty supported Allura."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Axis snapped. "Didn't she do a bunch of shit for all you useless gods?!" he spat, and Curo glared at him.

"Why do you think there was a trial instead of an execution?" Curo coldly questioned before letting out a heavy sigh. "You should know that it was Larsolis who voted to spare her."

"Gratianon did as well," Allura quietly reminded him. "But that's the past right? Time to look to the future," she stated, earning both of their attention. "Are you done? I need to go talk with Max and the others," she added with a hollowed smile, and Curo let go of her before Flora handed him back his coffee. "Thanks Curo," Allura hummed, and she slipped off the table. "Come on guys."

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