Chapter 5: He's a re-wait wrong character

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General POV

Now, we pick up right where we left off. Montana was about to dive towards the Abrams.....before a squadron of ME-262's swooped in and started attacking.

Montana: Oh shit!! Doc get these bastards off us!!!

DL: Right!!

Montana pushed the Falcon to it's structural limits as the Germans continued to try and kill the space craft.

Cleveland: Agh!! Where's the Royal Air Force or whatever?!?!

Lincoln: Wait....THE RADIO!!!

Montana: Why the fuck didn't we think of that?! *grabs the Falcon's radio and checks frequencies*

The first frequency was speaking German so that was a no-go, the second was inaudible, the third was just static, the fourth was Italian, the fifth was Italian, and finally the sixth was English.

???: Unidentified aircraft over London, identify yourself now!!!

Montana: Um, yes this is Falcon 1, we need assistance send out Spitfires, P-51's, literally anything!!!

???: Falcon 1, what are you saying?

Montana: We have German 262's on our ass we need assistance!!!

???: No, I'm talking about the interceptors. They're all busy guarding what's left of Scapa Flow.

Cleveland: That's not right, they had plenty of Aircraft to spare all around the country.

Montana: Um, control can you vector in something, literally anything cause we can't hold out much longer!

???: Alright, I'm vectoring in some old Hurricanes, just hold out until then Falcon 1!

Montana: Copy that!!

The Falcon continued to Barrel Roll and perform High-G turns as hard as possible, the German Tracer didn't do much to the shields but it was still annoying and DL was actually managing to shoot down the 262's but they were coming in faster than he could shoot 'em down.

DL: I don't remember there being this many 262's in 1940!

Cleveland: That's because there weren't this many at all!!

Montana: *groans through another High-G turn* I don't think she can take much more of this!!!

With barely any time to spare the Hurricanes that control had vectored in have managed to reach them and started shooting the rest of the 262's down.

???: I'm guessing my friends got to ya

Montana: Control you have no idea how happy we are to see some actual interceptors over here.

???: Well, you wouldn't be the first.

Cleveland: I can see that!

Montana: Control can you give us somewhere to land? We need repairs and some fuel. And if you know anyone named Alex, call him and say that a Raven Haired Prick is calling him.

???: You're clear for London Heathrow....or what's left of Heathrow, and will do on that last request.

Montana: Alright, anything will do.

The Falcon then disengaged from the fight and flew to Heathrow. Once there he saw that it was just the bare minimum a small grass field alongside a hangar or 2.

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