★Suspicious Fog★

Start from the beginning

"Can you examine him more?" Joseph questioned and crossed his arms, "We need to find out everything before the cops show up to take his body away."

I nodded and searched, noting some money in his pockets and even a train ticket. I then proceeded to pull down his shirt slightly and then I pulled down the rest...I stood there frozen with fear.

The man had gaping holes all over his body, which caused everybody to gasp with shock and horror on their face.

"He looks like that piece of cheese from Tom and Jerry!" Polnareff made a not-so-desirable connection to the loveable cartoon. 

Jotaro stood on high alert saying, "There's no doubt this is the work of a Stand user. His wounds...they're massive yet there's not an ounce of dried blood anywhere if what Y/N said about him being dead for hours is true."

"We need to get out of here, NOW! We can't afford to be attacked by a stand user right now!" I warned and everybody nodded and ran to the car but another figure soon appeared in the distance...

It was an old lady, holding a cane and walking towards us from the midst of the thick fog surrounding her. She looked very old, and her bones creaked every time she took a step. Because we were so curious, we took a moment to find out who she was.

"Hello there, I heard you were all looking for a hotel? The young man at the restaurant told me that you were looking for a place to stay, and what a coincidence! I actually own a wonderful hotel a few blocks down here." She giggled and turned to face us with a very sweet smile.

"Well..." Joseph tried considering the offer, but Kakyoin brought some sense into him, "Mr. Joestar, this might be very dangerous considering what we saw..."

"Dangerous?" The old woman looked on, "Why I'm just an old lady trying to help everyone out! How about this, I'll make your stay on the house since it's very dangerous to travel in this fog. I even have nice toilets and a big library for Mr. Polnareff and Ms. Y/N."

That comment immediately threw me off the edge. How did she know mine and Polnareff's names? The only name that was said when the old lady was present was Mr. Joestar's.

"How did you know my name?" I glared at her. "I never said it once."

"Oh!" She became all flustered, now that I was suspicious of her. "I heard it from that young man that told me you needed a place to stay! He overheard you saying your names to each other."

That actually did seem a bit plausible...maybe I did mention my name a few times.

"Come on," Joseph motioned for us to follow him. "She is right about the fog y'know? Let's take the offer."

Though I was a bit hesitant, I finally gave in as everybody started to follow Joseph to the hotel the old lady was leading us to.

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When signing our names into the guest list, I wasn't too bothered with writing my name differently because she already knows mine and Polnareffs, but I know for a fact that she doesn't know Jotaro's and Kakyoin's names, so I re-wrote them differently and told them both about my plan.

"This gosh dang TV isn't working!" Joseph banged on the piece of junk with his fist and then turned to me. "Could you make us one so we could get more info on the enemy?"

Though I really wanted to, I shook my head saying, "The problem isn't with the TV, it's the fact that it has no charging port. If I make a charging port it wouldn't automatically connect with all of the electric wires in the hotel, so the TV I produce would be useless as well."

"I see." He sighed and then walked towards the door. "Then I'll go back to my room, for now, stay on high alert!" He added before walking out, leaving me with Jotaro and Kakyoin.

Though the rooms were really spacious, it sucks that there were only a limited number of them. I had to choose staying between Polnareff and Joseph or Jotaro and Kakyoin. I chose the ladder because we're both students, and I'd feel more comfortable staying with somebody my age.

"So since we have some free time, what do you guys want to do?" Kakyoin mentioned since it was still pretty light before we had to head to bed.

"I want to finally relax for once," Jotaro grumbled and fell on one of the hotel beds. But I shook my finger and dragged him off much to the annoyance of Jotaro.

"No, we're gonna play, two truths, and one lie." I grinned at my wonderful Idea and Kakyoin gave a happy nod at the suggestion. I then turned to look at Jotaro, who was face-planted on the floor, and in the same position when I dragged him from the bed.

"Dude, come on," I told him before he gave a loud grumble and decided that there was no use in fighting us. With great reluctance, he finally agreed to play.

"Ok, I'll start." I grinned and clasped my hands together like I was up to something.

"Number One, I had a pet parrot once. Two, Kakyoin is my best friend. Three, My dad received an autographed copy of In Cold Blood in 1965."

Kakyoin sulked for a bit and pondered if the best friend part was true or not, but then a chuckle could be heard from Jotaro.

"Number three, In Cold Blood was published in 1966, dumbass." He smirked and I was stunned for a moment shouting, "You mean you've read the book before?!" 

"So what if I have?" He replied and averted his gaze, but still held a faint smile as from before. I noticed Kakyoin look more upbeat than he was before, almost relieved that the best friend part was true.

"Okay, how about I go-?" Kakyoin started to speak but was cut off by the doorbell sound ringing, Jotaro stood up and opened it for us to reveal the old lady from before.

"Hello there," She smiled as she heaved something in front of her. It was a big jug of water. 

"I just wanted to let you know that our filtration systems aren't working at the moment so our water isn't as clean. But for now, I have a jug of cold and fresh water if you would like to drink." She explained and handed Jotaro the big jug.

We all nodded in understatement and closed the door on her. Jotaro put the water on our counter for now. I stood up and actually wanted a cold drink so I gave myself a cup.

"Could you give me one?" Kakyoin asked politely and I gave him a thumbs up.

I poured a glass for myself first, but before I could even take one sip I noticed a quite prevalent smell coming.

That smell, it smelled like bitter almonds. I dropped the cup I was holding immediately. I remember that when something smells like bitter almonds, it's almost always an indication of cyanide or rat poison in the drink.

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A/N: I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE HIT 1.1k READS. I didn't expect people to actually read this silly story of mine. I hope you all enjoyed reading this so far, more chapters are coming soon! Thank you for all of the love and support, I love you guys so much :)

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