3 New Messages

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Aizawa had made a group chat

Aizawa: Ok which one of you has kidnapped my problem child ?!

Shinso: Wo...Aizawa made a group chat?

Shoto: Just call him dad 🙄

Shinso: He is not my dad 🙄

Aizawa: Both of you zip it! Now, who is it?!

Mic: Sho who are you even talking about? You call all your student's problem child

Aizawa: My favorite one!

Shinso: Wow thanks 🙄

Shoto: Wow thanks 🙄

Kacchan: Wait Izuku is missing?! 😡

Mic: Little listener?! 😱😱😱

Midnight: Not my little baby! 😱😱

Nezu: Little mouse ?!

Hawks: Baby bird?! 😱😱

Tomura: Mini Boss?!

Toga: Not my bestie!!

Shoto: Your bestie?!

Shinso: We all know I'm the bestie 😌

Toga: 🔪🔪

Shoto: 🔥❄️

Aizawa: All of you shut up and whoever had him better say it now or God forbid when I found out who did it

Aizawa: Hawks was it you?!

Hawks: Hey why did you think it was me?!

Shoto: Because you literally fly right into our classroom last Friday and kidnapped Izu

Hawks: That was last week!

Aizawa: You all have kidnapped him before!

Mic: When did I kidnap little listener?!

Shinso: You kidnapped him for your midnight talk show 🙄

Mic: Oh right but that was the best episode!!!

Tomura: Agree there was so much tea in that episode

Mic: Wait you listen to my show?

Tomura: Of course, for us villains your show was the best

Shoto: Still love the one where you shit talk my dad for 3 hours with Izu

Hawks: Oh I remembered that Dabi was dying from laughing too much

Aizawa: We are getting off track here! Where is my problem child ?!

Nezu: How do you know he was missing?

Aizawa: He is not at the dom

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