Part 6 - Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

"Oh. So you've liked me since back then?"

Eran ignored Riley as he seemed to remember something else. "And he said to tell him when 'something happens,' 'See you soon.'" He looked at Riley.

Riley shrugged. Well, Jay, he thought to his absent friend, I didn't even have to ask. Eran sincerely loved Riley.

"For some reason that pisses me off."

Riley had to recall what they were talking about. "Haha, that's because you don't like being left in the dark. But does that mean we have to go down there?"

"We don't have to do anything..." He frowned. "Do you want to?"

Riley took Eran's hand and played with his pinky. "I'd like to watch Bubba embarrass you."

Eran couldn't move the hand held by Riley without hurting himself, so he took his other hand—falling on his side—and tried to hit Riley somehow, somewhere.

"If you hit me, it's domestic violence now, right?"

Eran dropped his arms and glared at nothing while he seemed to think. Is he really contemplating it? Hah, cute. Or is he...

Riley felt Eran's middle finger hit his forehead gently. Yep. He was bluffing. Riley waited for Eran to kiss his wound like he did the last time he hit Riley.

Apparently, Eran noticed, "That wasn't deserving of a kiss."

So to be kissed, I have to be wounded more seriously. "You are a strange sort of sadist."

"I don't enjoy hitting you." Eran scooted closer to Riley. They were now a Riley-hand's length apart.

"Whoa. That's news to me."

"Okay, maybe just a little."

"How about every time you want to hit me, you kiss me too."

With narrowed eyes, Eran stared at Riley coldly.

"I'm joking, of course."

"Of course."

Riley held Eran's hand and laced their fingers. "Eran," Riley called. Usually, when I start with his name, it weakens him.

Eran gently squeezed Riley's hand back. "Hm?"

It worked. "Why do we have to wait until I graduate to do you-know-what?" Eran glared. It didn't work. "I know you said not to talk about it, but I'm really curious, is there some special reason?"

Eran was quiet for a while, and just when Riley started to wonder if he was going to answer at all, he spoke. "It's something I want to wait for... L-letting someone inside you or going inside someone is a big deal. I need time to prepare and you need time to... gain some self-control." I have plenty of self-control... probably?... "The whole reason I'm even willing is because... I love you and I know one day what we've been doing up to that point won't be enough. But even now, I'm afraid of the day less than a month away from now. I'm... afraid of how much more I'll probably love you."

He always says 'love' more quietly, but I'm thrilled that he says it. "I'm afraid too. I'm afraid of hurting you, making you unhappy or regretful of being with me. What if it's so awkward that you never want me to touch you again?"

Eran scoffed and chuckled. "Maybe it will be good if it's awkward... Then the next day—o-or time we'll know more what to do."

Riley smiled at the slip-up. He fondled Eran's fingers with his own, and Eran did the same in return.

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