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Mina POV
I was working at my office when someone knock

"Come in." I shouted.

It's my dad he came and sat on the chair in front of me.

"How are you doing? "He asked.

"Good." I replied coldly.

"Why did you come here ?" I asked.

"Well I am here to tell you if you didn't find a person to Marry with you in 2 months then you have to marry my friend's son ." He said.

"What ? Are you serious right now?" I asked him angrily.

"Yes , I am so , found someone or else Marry my friend's son ." He said.

"Ugh! Fine I will find someone." I said irritatingly.

"Ok , then I'll go take care yourself." He said.

I just hummed.

(After sometime)

I want to work but my mind is full of y/n thoughts . She was so beautiful her doe eyes that can make you sink in her eyes and her plump lips that can make you hard to prevent yourself from kissing her. I want to kiss her......... wait what iam thinking about ughhhh i shakes my head to shake off these thoughts. I start to work again but again y/n came into my mind ughhhh why she keep coming into my mind . I don't know but when I talked with her at the restaurant my heart starts beating and i feel like she was the only one who is talking i don't know what I am feeling but this is making me go crazy I need to talk with someone.

No one POV
After y/n and her friends walked out of the restaurant they decided to go to the mall to buy some clothes for y/n. After buying the clothes they went to the arcade. As they played some game now they were just walking when y/n eyes fell on a penguin plushie she grab the hem of shirt of yeji and slightly pulled it, yeji looked at y/n and asked her

Yeji POV

"What happen y/n ?"

"Can I get that?" Y/n asked while pointing at plushies.

I nodd at her and walked there, i asked her which one she want she pointed at the penguin.

"Ok I will get that for you just wait and watch." I said with a great confidence

I already tried so many times but i always failed to get that. I sighed and look at Ryujin she gave me a teasing smile and said

"Ohhhh what happen to the great yeji ?" She said

"This machine is broke that's why I can't get that ok ." I said

"Oh really then I will give a try to see if aye you saying the truth?" She said

After 3 or 4 times she get the penguin plushie and give to y/n , y/n took it and thanked her.

"Is it really broke?" Ryujin asked me while trying to control her laugh

"Are you saying that I am a liar ?" I asked her angrily

"What's the point of even asking ?" She said savagely

"Yahh, do you want to die ? "I said irritatingly

"If you do that then you will go to jail for murdering someone ." Y/n Said innocently.

I was speechless and Ryujin was trying to control her laugh

"Guys let's go home now ." Ryujin Said still with her laugh.

I just roll my eyes at her and held y/n hands and walk away.

(After 1 week)

Mina POV
i am with my friends at the restaurant for lunch , they were talking about how chaeyoung propose her crush somi but one question catched my attention

"How do you know that you love her ? "Momo asked

"Whenever she was near to me , i start to feel nervous, my heart start beating fast and it's feel like she was the only one in the world."
Chaeyoung explain while smiling.

This is also What I feel about y/n . Am i falling in love with her or i already fall for her . I stand up from my seat my friends look at me

"I am going, i remember something important. "I said

"But you didn't eat yet anything." Jeongyeon said

"I will order something at the company." I said

"Ok , take care. "Jihyo said

"Hmmm ." I hummed

I walked to my car , my driver open the door of backseat and i sat at their he closed the door and quickly went to the the driver seat .

"Drive to the orphanage i owned." I said

"Ok Madam. "He replied

After sometime we arrived at the orphanage, i walk our of the car and quickly go inside. As I was walking some kids walk pass by me they smile and waved at me and i response with a smile. Soon i arrived in front of a office, i knock at the door and the person inside said come in so i opened the door and go inside .

"Oh , Sharon how are you ?" Aunt sooyoung said

Aunt sooyoung she is working at this orphanage and i trust her alot. Whenever I have some problem i came to her for some advise. My parents were always busy with their work , aunt was always there for me from my childhood and until now . I am so thankful to her.

"I'm fine auntie, how are you? "I asked her

"I'm also fine , what brings you here ?" She asked me she knows me so well

"Well auntie i want to talk about a girl I met at the restaurant. i tell her everything including how I feel . "

"You are in love Sharon." She said while smiling widely

"You are not kidding, right auntie?" I asked

"Why would i ?" She said

"Sharon you find your love and i Just want to tell you that not let that girl go , she is your love so you better make her yours or someone else will make her the love of his life. "She said

"Thanks auntie for your advise and Don't tell anybody i visited you please ." I pleaded

She chuckled softly and said

"I will not tell anyone."

I smiled at her and said

"Now I'll be going , bye and take care of yourself auntie. "

"You too ." She said

And i leave from there and go back to my company . As I arrived at my company i go straight to my office and called someone

"Kim Y/n a autism patient, i want her information by tomorrow." I said

"Ok Madame." The person Said

I hang up the call.

I don't know how and when I fall in love with you y/n but i will make sure to protect you from the people who want to hurt you .
" Soon you will be mine y/n ." I muttered softly.

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