"Anything else?"

Ren hesitated. "The, um, the father isn't really at home most of the time."

"He is a busy man, Ren. Even I know that," Mitsan said coolly, but their tone bordered on irritated. "All I wanted to know was how you would use this information to kill them! I am in a most foul mood today, so do hurry and get to the point, if there is one."

Ren wondered if his boss's mood had anything to with Trixcia, like his did so often.

"Yes, yes, of course. Sorry, Sir. I don't have much intel on the youngest son, although he seems to be Lennox's biggest liability and weakness. The florist shields him from the rest of the family, speaks to him in hushed tones, and has the boy eat dinner in his room whenever the father comes to visit. Considering that the eldest son is the only thing holding that family together, if I start with who he cares about most, the rest is bound to come crumbling behind him and force him to his knees. He'll be gutted, and that's when I'll come for his head."

Ren failed to withhold the sick, elated smile that manifested itself in the midst of every previous mission. "That's the rest of the report."

For what else was there worth mentioning, except for the abuse?

It was no secret; Ren had seen scars on the flower boy's hands. Had noticed how he flinched when his father came too close. Mitsan could easily use this information to tear down the formidable man. Have the Verita Aser and their followers lose trust in him. A few whispers here, a few rumours there... it would be so easy.

Yet that would hinder the plan Ren had crafted, and he couldn't have that. The father would come last, and the sniper planned to savour his murder more than any others. Slow, excruciating death was what Wade Carson deserved, and nothing less.

Mitsan sat back in their chair, pressing the tips of their fingers together in front of them. "I see. At least scheming is one thing you could never fail me in. Perhaps you are fit to succeed me after all," they mused, apparently to themselves. "You may go, my son. Trixcia has been meaning to speak to you. Whatever she says, don't shoot her. It's not your job to dole out punishment, that pleasure belongs to me and me alone."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Ren bowed and left, sighing. He had nearly made a dog's dinner out of that. However, he didn't know why they had brought up shooting Trixcia out of nowhere.

Trixcia was, of course, the first person he saw coming out of the hollow. She was clearly waiting for someone as she lay leaning against a pillar. Absorbed with the contents of her phone, she didn't notice him until Ren cleared his throat.

"You wanted to talk, Trixcia?"

"As a matter of fact, I did." She flashed a smile. "If they didn't tell you already, Mitsan sent me undercover around the same time you left. Only I'm infiltrating the Verita Aser Palace, to get close to Zeraynia and find out when she plans to attack."

"Wait, we found the Palace? Already?"

Trixcia rolled her eyes. "Yes, Ren. Keep up."

"So? What have you found out?" Ren tapped his fingers against his arms.

"Other than the reality that the faction with the highest number of homophobes has a lesbian queen?"

Ren narrowed his eyes. "Odd thing to know, Trix. I didn't know you were that much of a scrubber. Now do you have any real information, or are you just here to gloat?"

Trixcia snorted. "You were always so impatient. I really don't know what I saw in you." She flipped her silky hair over her shoulder. "Besides, I wouldn't dare lower myself to that level. She may look young, but she's old enough to be my mum. And I'm already taken, times two," she said with a smirk, holding up two fingers, the nails painted a very particular shade of green: Emerald. "Anyway, I discovered that the Veritas plan to attack in late winter or early spring, although Mitsan doesn't plan to give them that chance."

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