That Could Be Me (Ingrid Engen & Lieke Martens)

Start from the beginning


Lieke closed the door and let out a sigh. Why would she tell her that? She could have kept it to herself but no she didn’t. She walked away and into the Barcelona locker room. Everyone else had left apart from Caroline Graham Hansen, who turned to look at her.

“Hey, is everything okay?” Caro asked. Lieke shook her head. She sat down on the bench, putting her head in her hands and she thought about what would happen next. Caro frowned.

“No not really. Caro, how well do you know Ingrid?” The Dutch asked.

“I would say pretty well. Why, what’s going on Lieke?” She asked, sitting closer to her teammate.

“I just. I... ugh. Damn it. Ingrid just told me she loved me, like love me love me. It’s just so not needed if I’m honest. I don’t know why she thought now would be a good time to tell me this" the Dutch ranted. Caro pulled her closer and tried to help her calm down.

“Did she really? Damn, Ingrid hardly has likes anyone like that. She had this one girlfriend who’s on the national team with us. They were together for about 4 years before the other girl asked to break up. Ingrid was truly heartbroken. She really loved her ex, one reason why she left Wolfsburg in the first place really. Because they were happy there together. Even though Ingrid joined after Marie left the club. So please let her down easy. Even though I can clearly see signs that maybe you like her too" Caro said. Lieke looked at her and frowned.

“What do you mean by that? She asked.

“Well, there has been some subtle touches and some eye glazing. You do this thing where you look at her and when she looks at you, you look away. You also kinda I don’t know stumble on your words sometimes with her. Have you not noticed any of this?” Caro explained. The Dutch midfielder didn’t speak. She was shocked. “You are just so chill around her. It’s really cute actua-"

“There you are. I was wondering whe- what’s wrong?” in walked Fridolina Rolfö, unannounced and startling the two. “Sorry I was just trying to find you. Are you okay?” Lieke explained the situation to Frido. The Swede looked at her with sincerity.

“When we played for Wolfsburg, she was with Marie. She was happy with her but Marie broke her heart and she took ages to get over her. She was really sweet with her; Ingrid falls hard for people. Just be careful with her. She would be in quite a fragile state right now.” Frido said, rubbing Lieke’s shoulder “I thought you would have been happy to hear it though. You are so happy around her. The quickest friend I’ve seen her make if I’m honest. You laugh at the little jokes that only you find funny" she explains. Lieke sighs, fiddling with her wedding ring.

“I’m married you know. This can’t happen to me. Why did she have to fall for me? It will never work” Lieke started to tear up at the realisation. Caro pulled the Dutch into her.

“You’re okay kjaereste. Jeg har deg" she said.

“What?” Lieke asked, wiping her tears.

“it means I’ve got you" she responded.

“Okay thanks. I know I said I will get coffee with you guys but I just want to go home at this point to uhh...process all of this. I’ll see you later I guess" Lieke said.

“Alright we’ll see you later” Frido said.

Lieke grabbed all of her stuff and waving goodbye to her teammates. The unfortunate part is that she walked into Ingrid. Lieke looked up to apologise then she saw her face. She had been crying.

“Sorry about that. Are you okay?” Lieke asked tenderly.

“Um yeah. I’m just going to uhh yeah” Ingrid walked off, shaking her head. Lieke was concerned but before she could ask, Ingrid was gone. She looked to where she had gone and felt overall defeated before walked out herself.

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