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Okay! Low-key got swamped with work out of bloody no where (=_=)  but its fine to make up for it we got 10 new updates. I will mention now I AM NOT BRINGING POLITICS into the book, this was decided for the old book long before it was just removed from the final draft before. There are some words that might be a small trigger or not to some near the end of the chapter, Do note that I am aware of the current abortion ban in some places (Not just America) I do not support it in the least but personally I believe that when you go read you are not looking for more of reality, you read to get away from that reality so some stated points are alike to those of the current problems are not to bring them in they have been stated long before and  per research is used. (No clue if this makes sense but so be it.)  

Y/N stared at the two Pro-heroes in front of him for a solid minute before turning back to the sleeping caterpillar, taking a quick hasty breath he ran over to the man 'accidently' stepping on him, serving for what should be a rude awakening, and out the door. He could handle the cat lover,  the loud megaphone pit brain blond fucking idiots? (wonderful nickname I know) Not a chance. 

The two blond pro-heroes watched the teen run away as if his mothers marriage comments were yapping at his heels. The sleeping beauty- I'm joking the sleeping caterpillar known as Aizawa was... Still sleeping, even with the heavy weight of gravity slamming into his side.


Y/N stood in the hallway halfway across the school and mind you it took a lot of effort to get there, half way through his lungs and knees had to refrain from making a truce based on, "let's give out because we can~" His breathing was laboured as he held his side trying to ignore the cramping muscles. The passing students gave him curious glances some even giving taunting glares making him all the more uncomfortable. He liked to socialize but despised it at the same time, it's a love and hate relationship honestly.

Grimacing he stood up straight giving a slight cough before rushing away. Today did not seek to be going as he had originally planned. A spiky mess of gelled up hair appeared in front of Y/N's semi-rushing form almost causing the poor man to run into it and get impaled. What? The red haired jell boy turned around in surprise before breaking out into a grin. "EYYYYY Mr. Nurse! How you do man, eh? Why are you running away?" The boy had turned around Y/N was running in the opposite direction. Passing past the teachers' lounge and into a different hall, eh sorry into a large chair stacked room called the janitors closet/ storeroom. A look of distain tainted his face as he backed out of the chemical smelling room trying to find his way in the maze of the school. He was once again lost. Stumbling along the mimics of hallways Y/N wandered after 10 minutes of wandering he ran into, again his poor nose, the blond boy of before. "Well, if it isn't sparky!" Came Y/N's secretly relieved yell as he recognized Bakugou's ever resting bitch face. The boy only responded with a look of annoyance as he tried to pass him assumably to get to his next class. Y/N stood to the side watching the retreating boys back, suddenly realization hit him. With what felt as if it was from thin air came Y/N's quick yank at the boy's shirt as he desperately tried to stall the boy's movements. He succeeded, sort of... Bakugou was now half kneeled on the floor tugging at his shirt collar for air. Shocked Y/N let go giving the boy the needed release of suffocation and the sweet sweet gift of stuffy hallway air.

Bakugou started coughing, which frankly did not help much with his mission of getting air into his lungs. Y/N gave a quick apologetic sorry before patting the boys back. It didn't work, in all honesty it made it worse as Y/N was hitting all the air out of the boy's lungs instead of helping. Swiping his hand away Bakugou slowly returned to his past standing position his breathing ever so slightly laboured as he gave a glare that would make the devil piss his pants. Gulping lightly Y/N glanced at the very interesting wall before saying softly as if the squeaking of a mouse, "can you tell me how to get back...." The boy's irritation seemed to bloom even more as he said through gritted teeth. "Where? Back-fucking-where you cotton haired freak." The insult was quite weak causing Y/N to wonder if choking the boy gave him the gift of braincells, never the lest he gave a quick Infirmary response before backing a few feet away at the sparking hands of the boy.

Bakugou gave a dark grin of mocking kindness as he gave a quick un detailed response, " Turn right over there head straight turn left then left again then head south." Y/N stared at him in disbelief as Bakugou rushed away a nagging feeling of being lied to hanging in his mind.


The feeling was right, he got lost again. It was already break yet he had yet to get back to his sweet heaven called The Infirmary. He had given up after finding the cafeteria and decided to just get himself something to drink and wait there till the end of lunch, from there he would request Ashido's help in getting back.


Y/N stood watching the chattering students pass through the lined-up tables trying to find a spot to fit their entire group. Small cackles broke out amongst a group near him. The group was made up from of three to four boys, matched with what seemed to be two of the boy's girlfriends. The group were laughing pointing at a student on the other side of the cafeteria, seeming having the time of their lives with every comment they made. Had it been about her weight, the size of her uniform, her way of speaking anything they could get their hands on an insult for. The comments didn't reach the students ears, though it reached his. Y/N was no knight in shining armour, it may seem cruel and coward, Unfair and supportive of their actions even, like not to step in and stop their comments. You see he couldn't do anything unless the student asked for help. If he were to just do it would make things worse, if he had gone after she told him it would make it worse for her. Something like petty childish bulling of others could only be delt with when you had evidence on tape, a witness, and the victim's testimony. Even then they wouldn't be asked to leave the school, they will only be gone for a few days before coming back with a wraith far worse than that of before. Anything you do will only make the victims life worse, this? A coward, unjust, lazy, cruel? If only those were the reasons. He can only give her hints on ways to avoid them but that only helps so much. Sighing he stared at the group as the oblivious group seemed to be oblivious of his gaze.

From behind the girl appeared Ashido a wide grinon her face as she slung her arm around the student's shoulder walking her to atable where the rest of her friends sat. Y/N's face softened ever the slightestbefore taking a sip of his drink (drink of your choosing). Whispers echoedaround the nearby group again, one seemed to stand out amongst them all the Y/Nas his body froze up. Disgust at the comment slithered up his spine as hestared the assumably second year down, the comment hovering in the air, mufflednoises singing along. "He did it 'cuz he loved her." Y/N's eyes narrowed as helistened more intently, "-bitch is acting as-________-did nothing wrong." "Servesher right fo-____________- her uniform" Came another comment, this time fromone of the girlfriends. The chaotic cafeteria noise making the conversation static. Y/Nlet out a soft, shaky breath, he wasn't afraid, anxious, he was nauseous at thebits of words he knew. The worst thing a person had would be their imagination,the way their brain pieces things together. What could be comments about weight,dressing habits who knows quickly turned into something he could not explain.Bile rose in his throat as he unknowingly started glaring at the boy. Not faroff from them a student stood up her hands hitting the table with a loud dullthud. The rooms loud chaotic sounds turned into an ear splintering silence, alleyes had locked onto her as the group gave her an odd glance. A what shouldhave been soft whisper echoed through out the room from one of the groups girls,"what's wrong with her?" The clear words rebounding in her ears made the girlfriend'sface flush. The student who had stood up shook her pearl hair staring the groupdown. "Repeat." Came a command from her, her flowing cornrows hitting her backlightly with every movement.

Y/N stared in disbelief as what looked to be first year student glared with the eyes of the bloody grim reaper at the group. Her golden eyes glinted with orange highlights contrasting with her ebony skin. Beautiful? Absolutely. Really fucking scary right now, Without a fucking doubt!



HELLOOO! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we have a new person here Ms. Pearl cornrows! If you do not know cornrows are a tipe of hairstyle that originates from Africa (Information from google).

I hope you enjoyed this chapter (and the next nine that got updated at the same time as this)!


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