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"Now, Team 7"

"Uchiha Sasuke"

"Hyuga Hinata"

Both said person glared at each other as they've just been placed in a team together.

"And Uzumaki Narumi"

"Yeah!!!" Cheered the said blonde

"Team..." Iruka continued telling team members

Team 7 sat on a desk together with Narumi on the top of the desk while hinata and sasuke sat on the seat.

"I couldn't be happier, y'know" chirped Narumi

"Me too" said hinata with a smile

"Same here" said Sasuke trying to smile

Minutes passed and turned into hours but their sensei didn't came

"Did he forgot that he have a team to teach" whined Narumi now laying on the top of the desk

"Maybe he's just testing our patience level" said hinata trying to convince Narumi

"It's been 3 hours for god's sake!"  Yelled Sasuke

"Right! He deserves punishment" said Narumi standing up

Hinata sighed... They both are right

Narumi went to the door and dragged a desk near the door for her to reach the top of the door. She placed a dirty duster and gracefully landed on the ground and placed the desk back on its place.

"I don't think he'll not notice-" Sasuke's sentence was cut short by a tall silver head entering the room. The duster fell flat on his gravity defying hair.

"My first expression of y'all is...

                 You all are a bunch of idiots"

Narumi giggled with her hand on her mouth.

Kakashi secretly smiled under his mask and said "meet me at the roof" and left...

All three of them shunshined to the rooftop.

"We will start with an introduction... Hyuga first"

"My name is Hyuga Hinata. My likes are Lavender flowers, zenzai, cinnamon rolls and my sisters.

My dislikes are crabs, shrimps and some people who don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll.

My hobbies are spending time with my sisters, training with my father and cooking.

My goal for the future is to beat my father and cousin (neji) in a battle and change their opinion about me"

"Raven-haired, next"

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like a few things and certain people. My dislikes are more.
My hobbies are none of your concern.

My dream is not a dream cuz' I'll make it reality one day is to marry a certain blonde"

Kakashi raised his eyebrow along with hinata. They both shared a look and nodded at each other. Which Sasuke sure didn't like.

"'A certain blonde', next"

"How about you introduce yourself first"

"Hmm, there's not much to about me but if you want to and why not?"

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I like and dislike  few things. You're too young to hear My hobbies and I don't really have a dream..."

Three eyesbrows twitched at Kakashi's introduction.

"Now, the last but not the least please introduce yourself"

"My name is Uzumaki Narumi. I like ramen, jiji hinata and... Sasuke. I dislike the 3 minutes it takes for instant ramen to cook, perverts and..." The girl stopped when she was going to say I dislike villagers. All the traumatic memories from her past flashed in front of her very eyes. Her body started trembling as a tear left her eye. But immediately she took her composure again.

"M-my hobbies are... Gardening, eating ramen and spending time with my precious people  and my dream is to become.... Hokage, Dattebayo!!!" Beamed the blonde as she quickly wiped her tears that were threatening to fall again.

"G-good, meet me at 5 am in team ground 7" said kakashi as he sprinted fastly to the graves of his deceased sensei and his wife.


"I really wanted to tell her that it's okay to cry but... Won't she be afraid if me a stranger or her soon to ba sensei or not will hug her. I didn't wanted to scare her. I still remember when I first met her she was barely 1. She was scared of me... But after some time she got used to me. Trust me Sensei if you and Kushina-san would've been alive, I would've been with her like a big brother. It really hurts me to see her like that but... She's stronger than I would ever be... I know she'll be okay afterall she's your daughter" whispered Kakashi looking at Minato's grave.


"Narumi..." Said hinata as he looked at Narumi

"Y-yeah" said Narumi looking away not wanting him to see tears in her eyes

"I know you better than anyone y'know so, don't hide anything from me" said hinata as he turned the girl so now she was facing him

The blonde hugged him as she said

"when... I was introducing myself to our new Sensei. At the part where I was telling him about what I dislike... I was going to say villagers too but all those memories from my past that I had buried years ago... Flashed in front of my eyes. It was... Too much for me"

Hinata rubbed circles on her back to calm her down. Sasuke stroked her head, Narumi looked up at him with teary ocean eyes and said "I'm weak, ain't I?"

Sasuke smiled sadly at her before cupping her face with his hands as he said

"I haven't seen anyone stronger than you... Naru..."

Narumi looked at hinata as if asking him 'is he saying right'. Hinata nodded with a smile in confirmation. Narumi again looked at Sasuke who was staring lovingly at her, a light blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Don't look at me like that..." Said the young girl as she turned her back at him

"Look at you? You want me to look at you?"

"Noo! Don't look at me"

"Okay... If that's what you want then why not?" Said Sasuke as he winked playfully to her, the girl turned cherry red and ran away from the Raven-haired boy. Hinata chuckled as he took his leave too.

A warm,fuzzy, happy feeling in his heart grew for the girl that was no other then love.


As soon as Narumi reached her apartment, she shut the door close and jumped on her bed, covering her red face in the pillow.

What... What was that. He just winked at me and I... I! What happened to me? It was just a wink and... Why was he looking at me like that
God! Kami-sama! Help me! I don't understand anything!!! That feeling in my heart... It was... Weird but it felt good in a way. What it was?
Is it some kind of disease? Wait- if it's a disease... Am I going to die from it?! No! I don't want to die that early but... Whatever it was I kinda liked it... It was warm... Fuzzy and it made my heart beat fast...

What is this feeling?...


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