new student and weird feeling

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Uchiha Sasuke was more angry today as a new student was joining the academy

A student was joining the academy wasn't the problem

The real problem was...

The student was a girl

Meaning one more fangirl wandering around him , why all girls aren't like my mom, beautiful and caring

As the raven-haired boy stepped in , in the academy all the girls started clinging to him while squeling 'sasuke-kun'

The boy shoved the banshees away and sat on his seat alone as he had threatened everyone to stay away from him

Iruka sensei came in

"Students as I told you tomorrow , a new student is joining us from today. Remember to be nice to her" the brunette sensei looked at the class entrance and Said "you can come in"

A little girl with long pigtails came

Sasuke's pov

Huh , I can tell by just looking at her that she's annoying

3rd person pov

"Introduce yourself" said sensei

"My name is Uzumaki Narumi " excitedly yelled the girl and covered her mouth when she became embarrassed by how loud she was

"Narumi , go take your seat" the girl searched someone with her eyes and smiled when she found hinata sitting alone. The girl ran to him and sat beside him. Hinata smiled and patted the girl's head.

For Narumi , hinata was so important to her as he was one of the very first people who didn't treated her like a monster. Narumi loved hinata like her own big brother . For Hinata , Narumi and hanabi , his little sister , were same. He loved both of them equally.

For Narumi , Hinata and her jiji (sandaime) were the only family to her...

Sasuke was shocked when the girl didn't even took a glance on him , who she thinks , she is ...

The whole day sasuke was taking glancing on her , afterall the girl wasn't a common view.
Beautiful and cute girls like her are rare in konoha but beautiful girls with a kind-heart was once in a blue moon thing .

Sasuke unknowingly enjoyed taking glances at her . The real reason he took glances at her because he wanted to caught her staring at him like a fangirl , sasuke didn't knew but he wanted that girl to be his fangirl.

the day ended and narumi still didn't asked
sasuke' name , that made him angry .

Is she some kind of queen or what , huh

Days passed , but Narumi's behaviour towards sasuke was the same

The girl was always with other boys , talking...
But never him , why ?

Who knows but sasuke really wanted to know , Why? So, sasuke just waited for the chance to ask her

After some months

Sasuke finally got the chance

Everyone in the academy had left already as the academy's day finished

Narumi was leaving too but she could , sasuke grabbed her wrist . It was the first time he touched her, an electric sensation ran through  his body. He never had felt it before . So many girls in academy had clunged to him but she was the only person that gave him that feeling .

The girl turned , sasuke heart stopped for a second . He had never seen her face this close.
He slightly blushed at her. The girl sure was the combination of beautiful and cute .

Those mesmerizing ocean eyes , made him drown into them. She had a skin paler then him.
Her pink lips looked the cutest when she pouted. Her whiskers made her look more adorable than she already was.

Sasuke was taken out of his thoughts by Narumi's  gentle words"do you want anything"

"Uhmm... I wanted to ask you something"

"Feel free to"

"D-do you... hate... me "

"NO" the girl yelled and shaked her head in denial

"Th-then why you... ignore me"

"Ignore? I never ignored someone . It must've been that I didn't noticed you "

"Ohh... So... Will you... be my friend"

"Yes , I would love to" the girl moved her hand forward , offering him a handshake

The 9 year old boy happily took it in his both hands and shaked it , the girl tried to Remove it but the boy was busy staring at her with a pink face

"Excuse me , but would you tell me your name"

"Name? My name is Uchiha Sasuke"

"Ohh , so sasuke-san would you leave my hand , I need to go you see"

"Ohh" sasuke realised he was holding her hand and left it immediately

"Sayonara , Sasuke-san" the girl waved her hand while leaving , sasuke slowly waved his hand too

The girl left...

What? Why I was being nice to her. I was thinking about being angry at her not kind

Sasuke didn't knew what it was but... Something about the blonde made him be nice to her...

They both started hanging out

Sasuke heart felt at ease around her , the girl was the only person who made him feel that way...

Sasuke observed everything the girl did , sasuke found out that the girl had a really kind heart and she was so... Innocent that she didn't understood most of the things

The girl easily trusted people

Years passed

Sasuke was now 12 , he started knowing her more

The 8 year old girl's life sure was way worse then he had ever even imagined , actually he had such a good life

But the girl


Didn't have anything , he had

Sasuke had parents , a good brother and a highly respected clan

This pained him so much

But the girl still acted like she was the happiest living being

This just made his feelings increase for her

Sasuke sure didn't knew about the things the girl made him feel but his big brother sure knew about it

Afterall he had a girlfriend , who he loved.


Sasuke was thinking about telling his brother about the his feelings for Narumi as the academy was going to end soon...

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