It had been a few days since the Halloween party and autumn and Steve hadn't said a single word to her since then. Autumn went back to her typical routine, not giving a shit and hating Steve.

Autumn wasn't one to have a single moment of vulnerability, it just wasn't who she was. On top of all that Dustin had been acting weird lately but she couldn't really figure out what was wrong. He wouldn't let her in his room and would keep the door locked when she tried to open it. He had also let his beloved tortoise roam the house freely, and he has never done that in his whole life.

It was a few hours after school and Autumn had just woken up from a short nap before she started her homework. She began walking around the house for mews but he was nowhere in site? Mews spent most of his life sitting in her moms chair or in her lap. "Mews!" She called out.

She assumed she was home alone and began checking every room. When she reached Dustin's door, something stopped her. The door was unlocked and Dustin hadn't gotten home yet. She reached for the door handle when Dustin came in through the front door and headed strait for his room, catching Autumn right as she opened, yelling at her to stop.

Almost in slow motion, Autumn slid the door all the way open and watched the horror play out in front of her.

There was some otherworldly creature, bent over, eating mews. Autumn froze and let out a gasp when suddenly the doglike creature turned to face her. Its face opened up like a flower and revealed rows and rows of teeth, snarling at her. Autumn let out the most blood curdling scream as Dustin ran up behind her to see what she was looking at.

Dustin's eyes went wide as he slammed the door in her face, Autumn continuing to scream. "Autumn!" Dustin yelled over her, to no avail. Dustin placed his hand on her face and began to shake her shoulders. The room went deafeningly silent as Autumn began to process what the hell just happened. "Oh my god oh my god oh my-"

"Autumn!" Dustin yelled again. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked back at him, she had grown white as a sheet and looked like she was going to pass out or barf, or both. "Listen to me very carefully" Dustin continued. "We have to lead dart into the cellar okay?" He waited for her response. "You- you gave it a fucking name?" Her voice came out shaky and she began to cry a little "that's not important right now" Dustin retorted. "Will you help me?"


There was now a long trail of bologna leading from the house to the storage train that resided outside. Dustin and Autumn had piles of old hockey gear on and were waiting in the shed for dart to come out and take the bait.

Autumn had come down on the outside but her mind was moving faster than a bullet train. She had never been so scared in her life, more scared than that time she almost broke Dustin's arm when she was 6. "What the hell is happening right now" Autumn said, breaking the silence. Dustin looked up at her with this concerned, knowing look. If there was one thing autumn hated, it was the unknown, and Dustin knew that.

"Listen its a long story okay?" He looked up at her to make sure she was listening "I promise I will tell you but for now we just need to get this done" he flipped around to the light pitter padder coming from the house, and this disgusting squelching noise. "I'm gonna pass out I swear to god" Autumns hands had started shaking again as the monster slowly came into view again.

It was far enough away that Autumn could really look at it without worrying about getting her head bit off. It was almost dog like with slimy grey skin and a mouth made of actual nightmares. Looking at it for too long made the hair on the back of Autumn's neck stand up as it slowly made its way towards the cellar. The air around the pair had grown still, silence that could be broken with a pin drop as they stared on, waiting for the moment the thing reached the cellar.

Just as it reached the doors it stopped and looked up, a gasp escaping their lips and sending them flying to the back of the shed. Autumn reached up to cover her mouth with her hand as a single tear escaped her eyes, looking on in fear for her life.

This was it, this is the moment it all ends. She shut her eyes and began to look back on her life when suddenly, Dustin was yelling. Autumns eyes flew open to look over at her brother. He wasn't sure what was going through his head but before he could rethink his decision, he was running at the shed door with a scared autumn running behind him.

He kept running until he reached the monster who looked taken aback? The thing jumped back a bit in surprise with a light whimper from pure shock as Dustin raised his hockey stick. He closed his eyes and braced for impact as he swung with all his force to hit it into the cellar, jumping on the doors as it fell in. Autumn just stood there the whole time in complete awe as Dustin locked the cellar door "I'm sorry, you ate my cat" he said. Autumn's legs gave out and she sat on the floor next to the cellar, bat in hand.

— ☆ —


Hi cuties

I have not written in SO LONG but I feel like I'm getting better

I wanted to make you guys suffer and wait longer for autumn and Steve stuff so hehe

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