It was officially 8:00 and Autumn was still not dressed. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she was at a party. Let alone one this big. Autumn laced up her shoes after completely giving up on her costume entirely, she was only going for Jonathan anyways. A faint beep came from outside as she grabbed the last of her things and bolting out the door, the sooner she was there, the sooner she could leave.

— ☆ —

She could hear the party bustle from down the block and could see kids filling every inch of the property. Inside wasn't any better as her and Jonathan stepped in moments later. "You know I have no clue how you dragged me into this" she teased. Before he could responded a girl dressed in full costume walked over, seemingly interested in him, but before she could make it Autumn was off looking for a drink.

She slid between the crowded dance floor looking for a drink table or even an open spot to stand, catching the eyes of some stranger from across the room. He wasn't too short and had curly blond hair that pooled onto his shoulders, if Autumn was being honest, she thought he wasn't bad looking at all. He gave her a wink from across the room that she took as her cue to walk over gracefully but before she could get there she heard light arguing from the other side of the room, drawing her eyes away.

"Nance! Put it down!" .. it was Steve? Autumn pulled herself away and followed the directions of the voices "Steve stop!" As soon as I stepped into the empty space, Nancy's drink flew everywhere and a gasp erupted from those around her. "What the hell?" Nancy sounded angry and upset, storming off towards the bathroom, Steve hot on her tail.

When Autumn finally pushed past everyone and made it to the bathroom the door flew open and a distraught Steve pushed past her and sped to the door. Autumn made the rash decision to follow him because as much as she hated him, she knew he wouldn't leave Nancy like that for no reason.

When she finally reached outside she started speeding up to catch up to him, calling out to him "Steve! Wait!" He stopped when he heard her and hesitated before during around, refusing to make eye contact. Something passed in the air because she suddenly felt.. worried? for him? The part of her that still longed for him, young her wanted to reach out and hug him. "What happened? Are you okay?" She questioned. "Yeah.. yeah I'm fine" his voice was shaky and she could tell he was lying through his teeth.

"Are you sure? You look like your cat just died" she said, laughing lightly. As much as she knew something was wrong, he only way to get him to say anything was to get him to say it out of anger. "Listen I'm not in the mood tonight Henderson" his head hung low, hiding himself in plain sight. "Sorry" Autumn whispered.

Steve stopped for a second and looked up at the girl just slightly. His face was covered in tears and you could see the dull moonlight reflected on every inch of his face, he looked almost relieved a bit. "What happened" I said, stepping closer. "It's nothing I just..." he paused "I just got dumped" he chuckled a little before his face fell again, repeating his words "I just got dumped" it was said in disbelief this time and Autumn sort of agreed.

If there was one thing she took away from Nancy and Steve it was that they loved each other deeply. "oh" was all she could say. "yeah" he sunk down a little again, running his hand over his face. "Listen im gonna go" he relaxed his shoulders and fished around in his pockets for his keys before looking back to Autumn "do you need a ride?"

— ☆ —

"You know I never said sorry." Autumn said, breaking the silence. Steve threw his head to the side briefly before turning back to the road "For?" He responded.

The girl let the silence hang in the air for a moment before thinking of what to say next " For the whole Nancy thing, I mean it just sucks I guess" he let out a light chuckle as she continued. "I mean I know I don't really know everything and your sort of a douch but still it just sucks" she let out a long breath as she waited for him to say anything at all. "It's not like you broke up with me Henderson" his voice grew eerily soft and pained at those words, like he had been thinking about them before.

"Listen, Autumn" He was about to say something else when the girl beside him cut him off  "this is my stop!" She announced. Steve pulled up slowly to her house and turned the car off while she gathered her things. As she reached for the door she stopped and turned to him " just because I wasn't the one who broke up with you doesn't mean you aren't owed an apology" her voice came out less aggressive than she usually was with him "thanks for the ride" And with that, Autumn was gone, leaving Harrington sitting there, thinking.

— ☆ —


Hi cuties

I foresee this chapter making more sense in the future

I also foresee the chapter length possibly getting longer

Until next time <3

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 - STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now