Autumn slid down my seat, already bored of class. She looked around a bit, doodling on her paper instead of actually paying attention to what was happening in front of her.

Math had always been Autumns best subject every year which meant she had to look at the board once a week to know where she should be.

Even in pre-calculus Autumn had never had to ACTUALLY pay action so she didn't. Autumn raised her hand to go to the bathroom, this teacher never payed attention to how long the students were gone, especially Autumn. This class always gave her the perfect chance to skip for the last half-hour so she didn't stab a pencil in her eye from pure boredom. As per all of the girls classes, the teachers couldn't stand her.

Autumn had been sent to the principals office countless times for disrespecting the teachers constantly. Autumn would wear her headphones in class, eat and just not pay attention. The principal loved the girl however, and never really did anything to stop her from rebelling against authority. He would normally laugh it off and sit her down for a cup of coffee before sending Autumn back to class. After all the bullying the girl experienced in the past years, the principal had grown a small Autumn-shaped-hole in his heart from the lack of attention the staff paid attention to her.

As she walked around the empty corridor Autumn began to grow lost in thought, rounding a corner, slamming right into someone, knocking both of them straight to the floor "What the hell? are you okay? the stranger said." Autumn was pretty much lying flat on her back, head pounding from the pure impact of the hit. The girl scoped her surroundings and was met with none other than THE Steve Harrington. "of course I ran into you out of all people." Autumn scoffed as she scrambled to her feet, crossing her arms over her chest.

His face falls as he stands up too, skimming over the girls cold look. He doesn't say anything at first, just looked at Autumn for a moment " Sorry " He says, and it comes out as virtually a whisper.

His voice is laced with guilt but he's speaking as if the girl standing in front of him could break any second. Autumn looks up at him, expressionless. Even after the pure bullying she had been put through by him in his friends over the years, he continues to make her feel inferior one way or another " Do you need something or can I leave" She says, raising her voice a bit, startling him and maybe even herself a bit. His face softened a bit and he opens his mouth like he's going to say something but is cut off. " Listen Steve" She say, looking him dead in the eyes as she say her next words, anger boiling over. " Just leave me alone. " And with that, Autumn storms off quickly the other way.

The anger came out of nowhere but was well deserved. Autumns entire high school experience and who she was now was shaped by him. The idea that he was still standing there like the idiot he was the only thing that made her mind slow down.

— ☆ —

As Autumn makes her way to her car at the end of the day she can feel someone catch up next to her. It's Johnathan. The girl turn around from where he's coming from and see Nancy and Steve talking at her locker."Hey Johnny what up?" Autumn says, looking over at him.

Without saying a word he shoves a paper into the girls hand "Come, please? Nancy wants me to go but I don't want to go alone."

Autumn skims over the paper as the pair walked out the school doors and down the front steps. It read "come get sheet faced" across the top with a ghost below it "I don't know.. parties aren't really my thing" Autumn responds "I'll drive you? I was going to chaperone the boys but I think will wants to be left alone for once" Autumn chuckles as they continue to walk, now standing in front of the girls truck.

Autumn just shakes her head at him with a light chuckle "under one condition" he stares intensively as Autumn continue "I'm not dressing up" She finishes, smiling up at him. "Trust me im not either, pick you up at 8?" The girl turn on her heel and opens the truck door, giving him a thumbs up as she hope in, waving him off.

— ☆ —


The chapters and writing will get better soon I just need to like barf up info so you know why she hates Steve n all that

I love you all and thank you for reading

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