01. the seal from another world

Start from the beginning

              She read the words as many times as necessary to allow her brain to process every tiny aspect until she came up with a reasonable explanation. At first, she couldn't isolate herself from the common thought inclined towards a joke from some stupid child or teen who lived in the neighborhood, it was for Lilith a logical explanation; but suddenly she felt her body shudder with the icy touch of a blizzard running down her spine. She had to admit it felt like an imaginary shiver from the gloomy seal that shone like stunned twilight on the stiff paper.

              The young girl took a deep drink of her valerian tea and settled back on the sofa, fixing her cerulean eyes on the letter as if it might disappear from her hands in the blink of an eye. She held it tight and went back over the words.

              It was certainly a very strange thing to happen, and what a coincidence the timing of it, she thought with bitter sarcasm. It would not surprise her if the gossipy old neighbor across the street, Mrs. Maud, has spread the disappearance of her mother as the most exuberant event in recent years and a brat has taken advantage of it to give her a hard time; what did surprise her was the work behind the action.

             She had so many questions.

             Lilith was no longer convinced that it was a joke. It hadn't been that long since she stopped being a teenager and she could be sure of the modus operandi of a boring boy. The tricks were not something as enigmatic as what she had in hand, they were more of immediate reactions, something on the lines of: I'm watching you or pretending to be her mother... unless she was dealing with a psychopathic prankster with a quirky and distinctive sense of humor. She didn't want to dismiss the joke so quickly, but she was swimming against an oncoming tide of worry.

              She took another sip, tasted distasteful and gloomy, it didn't sit well.

              As she grew up and understood the immensity of the world that submerged her —considering the supernatural as a real fact of the human condition and not a simple speculation like most people—; her interest was held in a passive. Sam had told her many things and answered several questions of an innocent nature. She had never resorted to her own research and she didn't have the need either, she was happy and comfortable with what she knew and her plans would never include being a hunter. She would never do it because that life was not for her and also because she was sure that Bobby, the only man in all the earth whom she had considered the closest to a father, would drag her far away by pulling her by the hair along with her mother.

              She read the letter again and came to two conclusions: if it was a joke, she was going to kill the idiot who made it; and if it wasn't... Shit, it wasn't good at all.

              Lilith took a moment to survey her from the second plane of view. She was pretty sure the letter hadn't been lying on the floor when she'd gone up to her room around 12 A.M., which left a four-and-a-half-hour for the letter to arrive in her living room. The second thing she could tell was the continual exchange of letters and well, let's just say there seemed to be an established relationship between this Thomas and Prudence; and if there was an established relationship and a follow-up of letters, Thomas couldn't have gotten the wrong address... that or he sent letters to the wrong place and God only knew if her mother found them and hid them from Lilith, which didn't make much sense either. How stupid could someone be to send a very important letter to the wrong place and risk the life of someone you were trying to protect?

              Took another sip of the tea, tapping her fingers against her own leg in a sign of stress.

              She had always been a good girl who knew the right paths to a long and prosperous life, her mother had taken it upon herself to educate her well to know that getting into supernatural shit on her own with her inexperience would lead her to death. Lilith's knowledge about symbols dated back to the information learned during high school and general culture, although she had to admit that her interest in different cultures and religions gave her a wider range, but it was still little for all the history and supernatural writings. It was impossible for her to recognize the seal at the end of the letter.

              Finishing her tea, she made up her mind to call the old hunter in the morning. He would know what to do.

💬 !▬ @strxapose
﹙author's note﹚

welcome to chapter one!! it was short, but perfect to settle the plot of the first season. We get to know a little bit about Lilith, my baby girl ♡.

I hope you enjoy it and please leave your votes and thoughts, i really appreciate them. Sam and Dean would be in the next chapter. 


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