Chapter 1 |Primordial Blanc And Velzard

Start from the beginning

That is a healing potion or you could say full potion that was made with hipokute herbs! 99% effective, it can even regenerate anything in your broken body!

W-why did you help me? "I said"

Huh? Because you accepted my offer! So your my official first subordinate! Even though I can handle things on my own, I don't want to be lonely.

Then now since your healed I will now name you...

From now on I will pledge loyalty to you My Master..

Today, I shall name you Testarossa!

"I bowed then starting to evolve"

<<Attention, individual Primordial Blanc Now Named Testarossa Will Evolved Into A True Demon Lord, Catastrophe Rank>>

I almost choke on air hearing the voice of that world say that to me.. Catastrophe Rank?! True Demon Lord... Am I Dreaming!? Wait no.. I don't sleep.

Just.. Who is my master.. 'I chuckled'

The evolution was complete.. I was now a Catastrophe Rank that can even spare with a True Dragon.. I can't believe it..

Fufufufu... I Testarossa Will Now Serve You Forever My Lord..

Dropped The My Lord, Testarossa, Call Me Rimuru..

Then thank you.. Rimuru-Sama...

Now then, since your evolution is complete! How about spare a fight with a True Dragon..?

The Storm Dragon?..

No, The Oldest.. The Frost Dragon Velzard..

Velzard POV

Guy.. Do you sense it?.. 'I said'

What is it? Is it Milim? 'Guy Said'

Veldora's Presence Suddenly Disappeared... "I said"

Huh? Maybe for you, but I can still sense Veldora.. Is there something wrong?, you can go see him if you want..

I agree.. Don't follow me, same goes to you two. 'I said to Rein And Miseri'

I jumped out the window, transforming into my dragon form then continuing my journey to Jura Forest.

Hmm, Since velzard isn't here how about calling Leon then~ "Guy Said"

I can't feel the Dragon Core Of Veldora But I Feel Some Other Dragon Core. In that cave..

Similar to Older Brother...

I concealed my aura then landed in front of the giant door. Then suddenly
A white haired woman opened the door and stepped out..

White Primordial.. What are you doing in that cave..?

Sorry for the inconvenience Frost Dragon, But I'm Only Here Because Of My Master.. And Do You Please Mind Call Me By My Name.. Testarossa.

You... got named? By.. By who?!

"She seems different.. She evolved??!! She evolved into a Catastrophe Rank.. but how?!! Even a demon Lord wouldn't dare to name a Primordial and such that, evolved into a Catastrophe Rank.. That can even spare with a True Dragon. But who would..

Then suddenly a blue haired maiden came out after letting the whi- I mean Testerossa..

Oh, who are you? " The maiden said "

She seems.. Sort of weird... I feel a true dragon core in her.. She might be the one I sensed when coming here..

What have you done with Veldora..!?

I haven't done anything to him, I only set him free and made his way to my dimension, The Imaginary Space.

Like hell I'd believe that! How do you have a True Dragon Core In You?!! Is that my Older Brother's Dragon Core?!..

Wait.. Why did I said that.., I mean it's true, the Core is similar to older brother but it's different... Somehow..

I'm a friend of your Older Brother.. This is not his Dragon Core, It's my own..

Us talking about Dragon Cores made Blanc Confused.

Just who are you... "I said while walking forward"

"I hold her shirt and pulling it closer.."

Your Core.... Somewhat familiar..

"Then everything turned black, only me and the maiden in a room of darkness"

My name is Rimuru Tempest, or you can call "The Imperial White Dragon Or The Chaos Dragon"

With her.. No him.. Saying that I backed up a little to catch a breath..

The Chaos Dragon.. The one who fights and imprisoned The World Destroying Dragon that have Destroyed Or Eaten Many Worlds In Just A Few Minutes.

The one who beaten Older Brother, Veldanava.. Who became your friend.. For countless years or millions of decades. Are you really.. Awake?..

Yes, I am.. I asked your Older Brother To Imprisoned Me For A Reason, Or Say.. A Punishment For The Creators Pride.. I'm pretty sure the rumors of me The Chaos Dragon, was sealed in a ultimate God imprisonment realm because of Destroying Countless of Worlds. By Veldanava.. And I'm Sure Those Rumors Weren't True Despite What He Told You.. Correct?

... I deeply apologize for touching you like that..

No need, and plus, your my sister.. Am I right?

I could feel a tear in my eyes suddenly flowing down as I immediately hugged him. Even though we haven't met or Veldanava is only the one who met him, it feels.. "Normal" for me..

Testarossa POV

I am seeing my master and the Frost Dragon.. Stalling like this for couple of minutes.. Then hugged each other.. Am I the one who thinks that's weird?

Well, my master can do anything so I shrugged it off..



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