Chapter 10: Ice, Ice Baby

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Tina was the first to wake of the two. She just stared down at Newt's sleeping form, a smile creeping onto her face. Tina leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips. He stirred slightly, though still sleeping. When he shifted, a part of his cream-colored shirt lifted, revealing a part of his tanned skin. Tanned abs littered with scars that she couldn't help but blush at, grateful that he was still asleep. Shifting some more, he opened his eyes and sat up.

"Good morning," he whispered, his accent thick while slowly waking up. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Good morning," she reciprocated, kissing him in return.

"Hazel said brunch is ready, so we can go up whenever you want. Jacob's making Occamy cinnamon rolls," Tina announced, checking the time on her watch. The look of contentment on Newt's face quickly changed to one of complete horror. He scrambled up the ladder and into the kitchen.

"Please don't hurt my Occamies," she heard Newt plead from her spot in the case. Tin felt a pang of guilt for worrying him so much, maybe she should have warned him that they weren't actual Occamies. Tina gracefully made her way up the ladder, stretching before coming out into the living room, and entering the kitchen.

"Honey, I meant Occamy-shaped cinnamon rolls," she patted his arm before pressing a kiss to his cheek. He looked down and blushed, embarrassed.

"Oh yeah, we're dating now." Tina announced.

"Yes!" Nagini and Queenie cheered, smirking at Jacob and Theseus, who groaned and forked over three galleons to their respective betting partners.

"Jacob, the cinnamon rolls are ready," Hazel called. Jacob strode over to the oven, donning his oven mitts and pulling out the breakfast pastries. Hazel obtained the warm, glass bowl that had been sitting next to the oven, slowly drizzling the glaze over the cinnamon rolls.

"Hey, Newt, are you alright?" Theseus called to his brother, snapping him out of his meditative trance.

"Yes, I'm alright, thanks for asking." The man answered, still absent-minded

"Hey, I have a great idea, we should go ice skating!" Queenie suggested. The suggestion caught Newt's attention, the prospect of going outside sounded amazing.

"That sounds great, actually, I would love to get out." Tina and Hazel both gave a careful eye, not trusting his judgment at the moment.

"Newt, are you sure you are ready for that?" Tina's eyes narrowed on Newt like a cat studying its prey.

"Of course, the healing spells have worked their..." he paused and chuckled to himself, "Magic." Theseus rolled his eyes at the terrible pun. Newt started doing some jumping jacks to prove his point. Hazel let out a sigh before deciding,

"Fine, we can go, but you have to promise to be careful, or else I won't let you outside for a month," she threatened. Newt grimaced at the thought before rushing up the stairs, only sparing a glance, bounding to his room to go ice skating.

Time Skip...

Newt and Tina's shadows held hands as they walked in the 2pm sun. The new couple shared a shocked look, both blushing before closing the gap between their shadows. Jacob and the others were in front of them, giving them space to talk. Little did the couple know that they were the topic of a hushed discussion, talking about how the Newtina ship had sailed.

"How did you sleep?" Newt inquired of his new girlfriend. Tina blushed, remembering her dream.

"I slept well, thanks for asking." Before their awkward conversation could continue, Hazel's sugary voice brought them back to the present moment, noticing the frozen lake in front of them, benches decorating the sides to put on skates. The group walked over and sat down, donning their skates, making sure they were all laced up. Newt and Hazel were the first to step out onto the ice. Jacob, Queenie, and Nagini soon followed. Theseus swallowed, his skin tone now matching the snow. Tina wobbled, but slowly made her way over to Newt, who was in the middle of the lake. After what felt like a century, she made it over to him, with the help of his excellent coaching of course. She wobbled a little more as Newt grabbed her hand but eventually found her balance. Tina's thick, wool scarf, along with Newt's Hufflepuff scarf flapped in the wind as they glided across the glittering surface.

"You're a natural!" Newt complemented Tina, letting out an exhilarated laugh. Newt let go and Tina came to a stop, watching the tall, lanky man next to her spin gracefully. Engaging his core, Newt went lower, picking up more speed. The group was so enraptured with his tricks, nobody noticed Theseus behind them, until it was too late. The domino effect was at its finest in that moment, the group lined up perfectly. Theseus was about to get off the ice and just watch from afar but the ice had other plans. Before he knew it he was sliding at full speed, managing to slide into Jacob, who slid into Queenie, who slid into Tina, who slid into Newt. Newt and Tina tumbled over to the side of the lake, Tina ending up on top of Newt. He just took a moment to take in her salamander eyes, she just took a moment to get lost in his ocean bluish greenish eyes. The moment was interrupted when a fit of laughter was heard from Bunty, Hazel, and Nagini, who were left standing, off to the side. The couple quickly joined in and soon everyone was laughing. After everyone's stomach ached from laughing so hard, Newt turned to his brother, who was soaking wet from crawling across the ice to get back to the bench.

"Seriously, Thee, you're an auror but you can't skate?!" Newt asked incredulously. His brother just gave the most innocent smile he could muster and shrugged. Noticing that the sun was already setting, Jacob glanced down at his watch.

"Man, I can't believe we have already been out here for two hours." The baker noted. This led to a cascade of everyone checking their watches.

"We should head back," Hazel suggested, casting a worried glance at her shivering son on the bench. "I don't want Theseus to catch a cold. They all agreed. Not feeling like walking, Queenie grabbed Jacob's hand, Theseus grabbed Nagini's hand, they apparated back to the house with a crack!

Time Skip...

"What should we do for dinner?" Queenie asked after everyone was warm and dry.

"I don't know about you guys but The Leaky Cauldron is picking my fancy." Newt said. The Americans gave a confused look. "It's a wizard restaurant." Theseus clarified. A chorus of "oh's" rippled through the room. Jacob's stomach rumbled and everyone took that as a 'sounds good'. The other wizards agreed with the No-Maj.

"It's settled, we'll go to The Leaky Cauldron for dinner." Hazel finalized.

The Leaky Cauldron was warm and inviting. House elves along with humans were serving other witches and wizards on long, wooden tables. The wooden structure was bathed in a warm candle light. Tina noticed the glittering decorations all around the room, still decorated for the holidays. The moving pictures on the walls were chatting about their day and asking about the weather over there, one even complimented her on her dress. But the glaring detail that cut through the other details in Tina's brain was the smell. The smell of a hearty, English meal. The smell of warm, tomato soup on a cold winter's night. The smell of food being cooked in the kitchen, her mother teaching her 3-year-old sister the names of the different ingredients while her dad was showing her his wand. A small, but humble, Christmas tree glowing with magic lights in the corner. The memory brought tears to her eyes. Newt noticed this and wrapped an arm around Tina's slim waist to comfort her. A waitress led the party to their table. Everyone ordered their food and waited for it to arrive.

After about 15 minutes, another witch came to their table with a tray containing refillable mugs of butterbeer along with the rest of their food. Most of them ordered bread bowl soup but Jacob ordered shepherd's pie and Queenie ordered cod on top of salad. After dinner, they decided that they had room for dessert so they ordered bread pudding with chocolate chips and butterbeer potted cream. The group relished the amazing taste. Once finished with dessert, Hazel, Tina, and Queenie, who had heard Newt's tiring thoughts, decided that it was time to get said magizoologist home to bed. Nagini stopped dead in her tracks, a whispering voice invading her mind, beckoning for her to come to him.

"Nagini?" Queenie asked, worried about the girl she thought of as a little sister. "Coming" was all she said.

At Scamander Manor...

Everyone had gone to bed and it was just Newt, Tina, and Theseus left in the living room, watching as the fire danced. The two aurors shared a nervous look before turning to Newt, the man in question was confused at the interaction. "Hey, Newt," his girlfriend started. "We have a favor to ask of you..."



-Newt Scamander Lover

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