Chapter 2: Healing

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Theseus screamed his little brother's name as he faded into unconsciousness. When Theseus got there, Newt's breathing was shallow, but that's not what he was worried about. He noticed Newt's usually white shirt stained red, blood pooling next to him. Bunty, having just returned from getting supplies, Tina, Queenie, Jacob, and Nagini came running down the stairs when they heard Theseus shout. Bunty and Tina were the first to arrive. Tina couldn't help the quiet gasp that escaped her lips as she took in the sight. Bunty, standing next to Tina, announced, "We need to stop the bleeding, someone grab bandages and ointment." Nagini and Queenie leapt into action, returning with the items moments later. "We should take off his shirt," Theseus suggested, raising his wand to remove his shirt. Tina blushed a little, despite the situation. Bunty and Tina wrapped the bandages tightly around Newt's torso to stem the bleeding, he had already lost a lot of blood and was looking quite pale. Queenie used a levitation spell to carry him up to his room and lay him on the bed.

"Ugh," He groaned, sitting up slowly and holding his head. Theseus was asleep on his bed but stirred when he heard Newt awaken. He rubbed his eyes and stared at Newt. What happened? How long had he been out? Why did his side hurt so much? Queenie came in and offered him a cup of peppermint tea.

"Don't worry honey, you weren't out too long," She said, reading his mind. "Though, you did give us all a scare." Queenie added.

"What time is it? What happened?" His side began to ache more now and he looked down to see his torso wrapped in white bandages, his chest bare.

"It's almost midnight, you were out for 14 hours. The Kelpie bit you. Theseus came down to check on you because you had been down there a while. Thank Merlin he was." "Oh," he frowned, taking the warm cup of tea. Hearing voices coming from the brothers' room, Tina knocked softly and entered. Seeing Newt awake, she instinctively hugged him tightly. He attempted to hide a wince but was unsuccessful. "Oh, sorry, Newt!" Tina apologized, then turned away to hide a blush. How those two had still not kissed yet was beyond Queenie. "Pull yourself together, Tina!" Her sister thought to herself. Newt swung his legs over the bed as he attempted to stand. His legs threatened to give out on him and his vision went black for a moment.

"Hold on, Newt, you just woke up, take it easy." Theseus ordered. Newt rolled his eyes, annoyed at his big brother's protectiveness. Begrudgingly, he laid back on the bed, wincing when his wound flared up. "Alright, we'll be back to check on you in a few hours, until then, get some sleep." Queenie said before leaving the room, Theseus and Tina trailing behind her. Newt sighed, he was a prisoner in his own home. He couldn't even feed his creatures. That was the last thought that ran through his mind before he fell into a dreamless sleep.

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