Oh, his poor little girl. Even after six months, she hadn't fully adjusted to life outside the tower, where she was left alone aside from when the woman who posed as her mother was using her power to keep herself young. He would have to arrange for an escort into town for her.

"I know this is still all so new, but you will adjust." He assured her, walking up to her and taking her hands before kissing her head. "After all, your friend seems to be getting along just fine."

A little too fine, if you asked Frederic. The former thief that gave up his old lifestyle to rescue Rapunzel and bring her home to them had practically fallen for the lifestyle of the castle, acting like he was royalty himself.

Now, if only he hadn't brought in a whole group of pub thugs to pester the castle staff. Yes, they had all assisted in her rescue but, well...he was just going to make sure they were safely out of sight of the guests.


Rapunzel stood in front of the castle doors with her parents, dressed in a fancy pink dress with a pretty necklace around her neck and pink pearl earrings on her ears. Pascal was on her shoulder, ever the supportive one.

"We're good at making people feel welcome." She assured herself. Granted, she'd...never really had any guests in the tower, had been a pretty poor host to Eugene and...actually, she was feeling less sure of herself now. But, she could do this! She had to... "This is completely doable..." she pushed away the doubt with her hands, then glanced at her parents, "...ish."

She looked forward as the carriages came into the courtyard, one after the other, carrying people she was terrified to meet. But, she could totally do this! She looked towards the crowd of people gathered in the courtyard, nobles that lived in the city that she also didn't know and saw Eugene waving to her from the crowd. She waved back but stopped when her father cleared his throat and awkwardly looked ahead as more and more carriages came into the courtyard.

The first one had reached them and stopped and she swallowed back her fear as a footman announced her. "Your Highness, I present Dame Elizabeth Van Hoskins of Roschester." He opened the door and an older woman in a maroon dress with a matching hat on her white hair stepped out.

Rapunzel moved forward and gave her a big hug, catching them all off-guard. "Get in here!" She said cheerfully, not noticing anyone's horrified reactions to her bear-hugging the woman. She let go of her and the woman slumped to her knees. Rapunzel felt a bit guilty and said "It's so nice to meet you!" before fixing her hat and helping her up.

The woman looked at a complete loss, and Pascal shrugging at her didn't seem to help. She looked at King Frederic like Rapunzel was insane and walked away to go inside, Rapunzel obliviously waving after her. Her mother placed her hand on her shoulder and she stepped back to stand with her parents again.

"Uhm..." her father spoke quietly, "perhaps you should refrain from the bearhugs, sweetheart."

"Oh, no bear hugs." Rapunzel said, gasping in realization. "Gotcha. Sorry."

The next one came up andthe footman spoke. "I present Lieutenant Commander General James Rutherford-Carver the Third."

Rapunzel let out a sigh. That was a long name. "That's kind of a mouthful. Do you mind if I just call you 'Jimmy'?" She asked playfully.

"I'd prefer you didn't." The man walked away from her.

Ohhhh, boy. Two people in and she'd already embarrassed herself. "Well, uh, welcome all the same, then!" She said, trying to smooth things over. Then she let out a sigh.

The next one caught her completely off-guard, she hadn't even returned to her parents' side yet. She was a woman dressed in a fancy, pink dress with white hair that was piled up high on her head. In one hand, she carried a fan and fanned herself as she was announced by her footman.

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