An Orc Warboss that rode a Dire Boar, a 12 ft long, 2,000 pound boar that is unusally large and more aggressive than a normal one, suited for Orc mounts or as individual monsters on their own

The Warboss had his own cavalry of his own trusted Orcs to ride with him to battle and they are the spearhead for today's battle.

Vul: 10 Orcs riding Dire Boars...none of them will stand a chance of such mighty monstrous cavalry. Men! We march once again to Whithill! Annihilate the enemy!

General Vul along with his army of monsters moves forward in an aggressive march and determined to end the resistance once and for all

Following the road that leads to the Town, his eyes gazes through the town defenses where barricades of a Matilda Tank and sandbags were visible at 100 meters ahead of him

The Orc Warboss raises his axe before letting out a powerful roar that sent the Dire Boar galloping with his fellow Orcs. The others soon followed while Vul watch from the sidelines to see the end of Whithill with his very own eyes

The creatures charges that rumbles the earth but suddenly, a loud bang was heard and in an instant, the Orc Warboss fell off from his Dire Boar, shot in the eye before no longer moving

Vul: Wh-What?!

From the bell tower of the town was Olivia had her barrel focused on the Orc Warboss and cycling her bolt to get a new bullet in her chamber. Suddenly, the first line of defense fired their Vickers, Bren and Lee Enfield on the charging monsters in high volumes of fire

The hoard was shredded as the powerful British 303 neutralize the monsters before even getting close to 50 meters

The monsters who didnt had the slightest intelligence of a normal human didnt knew what was happening nor did they care as they were still charge forward un-afraid while the other beast like Lizardmen puts their shields up but it was all for nothing as the 303 bullet penetrates their shield and hitting their flesh

The Orc Cavalry was the one who got the closest as they charge through the hail of lead but were being picked off by machine gun fire

The Matilda aims her 2 pounder cannon at the cavalry and firing an HE round that scattered shrapnel. The blast and shrapnel halted the boars while a pair resisted and continues to charge ahead

A Bren section notices the incoming Orcs and their Sergeant notices the cavalry and directs fire and aims at the menace. 4 Bren machine guns fired simulataneously and the devastating effect shows as the pair of Orcs and boars were turned to swiss cheese

The Bren LMG guns suddenly had to reload while the Vickers and Matilda's Besa machinegun kept up with their burst fire with the support of the Lee Enfields

Vul: My army...!

Vul felt his heart drop to his stomach as he sees the army of beast under his command gets shredded by strange light projectiles that he has never seen before in his entire life

Although strange initially but instantly turned into fear as these projectiles unknown to him were decimating his army of physically stronger and even in 100 or so meters away and closing, they were able to provide accurate and sustained fire at such ranges

Monstrous Orcs and its sub-species were easily downed by 303 British, the Matilda's 2 pdr gun made quick work of tougher opponents like Ogres and machine gun slices through the thick hordes

Vul grips his fist and gave the order to retreat in total shock of his enemies capability

Vul: Retreat!

Of the 3,000 strong monsters, 370 or more were killed in less than 5 minutes. The monsters followed their orders and retreated back behind the hill to take cover and go back to the safety of their camp

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