The Meeting part one

154 4 6

Sophie POV

after the torcher Biana called a makeover I asked her something

"I love it but why must it be so fancy its not like were going to the fanciest restaurant in Eternalia"

"no we're not going to a restaurant  we're go somewhere a little little more ... secluded."

''wait one hot minute you never said anything about anywhere ."

"what's a hot minute?" she said in a confused tone as soon as i remembered that elves do items

" it's a human thing but that's not important. Stop trying to change the subject!"

"ok well i knew you wouldn't say yes and this is important! sooooooooooo i got you ready to go somewhere in secret. and yes i already told Edaline and she thought is was a great idea."she added before i could even say anything.

 "okay" I said accepting the fact that I would have to go

''but could you at least tell me where we're going?''

"nope! it's a surprise." Biana said with a smug look on her face

when Biana went to the bathroom I assumed that was to get ready but she came out the same as she was going in so I asked her 

"how come you're not going to get ready?"

"well cuz I'm not going with you"

"what! I said flabbergasted"

"then who am I going to go to this thingy with?!?"

"someone I know that I think you'll like "

"oh. but still I thought we were going to go together"

"we'll do that together later but this is important and your going to go" she said very sternly

At that moment I knew I was going to go there's no way to get out of this.

"okay how do I get there" I said reluctantly

   "well let me put a little bit of makeup on a little something nicer than what I'm wearing right now"

" thought you weren't coming with me ?"

"I'm not but the thing doesn't start until 6 so I thought maybe we could walk around?"

"oh!" i said "where  do you want to go?"

maybe we could go to this arcade downtown. its kind of close to the place." 

"what place"

really come on we were just talking about it

"oh ya" i said stupidly "sorry i was having a brain fart"

"what's th- never mind i don't want to know"

"ya humans are weird "I said

"well let me get ready 

so Biana rushed to my bathroom with a bag that looks like it could fit a 1000 pounds of makeup which it probably did and in 408 seconds and yes I counted she came out looking like she was about to go to the most fancy restaurant in the world

I thought we were going around town

I couldn't let you look that good alone

but even without being's makeup and beautiful hairstyles Biana still looked amazing

Well, we should go so we have at least an hour.

yeah, we probably should but before we go, I'm going to let my parents know we're leaving.

I walked down the stairs to see Grady holding a scroll

hey Grady um me and Vienna are going to go to an arcade then be honest taking me somewhere special afterwards will probably be home by 9:00 or 10

OK I hope you girls have a fun time

by Edaline by Grady

Bye honey they said In Sync]

"oh and by the way" Edaline from the kitchen "don't forget to enjoy yourself tonight."

I will. love you see you guys later!

OK shall we go Biana said from the doorway

we shall I said jokingly

me and Biana walk up the stairs until we reach the leapmaster then Biana yells out 








(a/n i just mad up some random place so don't freak out)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Baina how are you so good at them 

there so easy 

no there not i only hit 1 out of like 50 of the targets

well maybe you need to work on your aim better 

maybe i do 

i mean even with a arm that is sill not great compared to me you suck

hey tone it down a bit i new at this 

sure you are 

hey what time is it 

it 6:50

you know what time it is

do i have to go 

yes there is no getting out of it 

ug fine lets go 

why arent you taking out a crystel 

it's literally right there

 there's nothing there there's just a forest

and you're going into the forest dummy

um that's kind of weird but I ok

 Just follow the path into the clearing and don't ask where is it I just said follow the path she said before I could even ask 

I still don't understand why you can't come with me but whatever

 Just go

OK OK I am

I walk up to the archway in the forest which is covered in Ivy it looks like it has been touched in centuries.

which place is kind of pretty I say to myself

path is and isn't obvious at the same time there's no pathway is more a clearing of trees as I follow it I start to see some hanging fairy lights As they get closer I see the back of someone pattern their hair is dark brown fluffy and looks perfect really I start to wonder who it is and then as I approached them I see their face.

My face is a mix of horror and worry as I say


 Ma ha ha ha another cliffhanger I'm sorry I took so long to post this my life has just been really busy I had COVID I broke my leg my best friend was hospitalized and we went on this big vacation which turned into a big mess so I promise I won't takes so long to write anymore and if I do I will warn you Also I just want to let you know that this story is about 1000 words and most my chapters only 500 so that's another excuse why I have not posted in a long time um but over 100v iews I don't know what to say thank you so much for everyone who's gotten this far and read it uh yeah that's about it so again thank you and have a nice day and dont die


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