the confession part 1 (chapter 1)

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Sophie's POV
Sophie was woken up by Grady trying to feed the Gorgadon a/n I don't know how it's spelled she didn't have to go to school for another hour, so she decided to look nice today. It was Tuesday so she had congate training. She thought about telling Fitz her crush on him, but decided not to cause that is an awkward conversion for another day. She decided to skip breakfast today because she had found out that breakfast was a weird goopy thing like every other elven food. She realized school started in 10 minutes she headed to the leapmaster and yelled out








~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        time skip      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 After a long day of school, it was lunch and even after years of being in the Elvin world Sophie still didn't know what any of the food was. So, when she saw Biana with green soupy mush, she got that too. It kind of tasted like spaghetti and meatballs with a little too much cheese. but it was the best thing she got in over copying someone else's lunch. Like on her first day when she got a sour weird mushy thing that she can't really describe when she copied Dex. But when she sat down next to Biana, Fitz transmitted

"Hey what's wrong?" 

"what do you mean? "

"Keefe said he could feel your worry from detention "

was she really that nervous about Fitz finding out?

"me finding out what" he said as soon as she remembered that their minds were connected.

"nothing! seriously it's not important " she said a little to fast 

"were congates! we are supposed to have no secrets!"

"fine I'll tell you as soon as you tell me your secret " I said snapper than I ment

how 'bout I tell you at Telepathy and then can you tell me yours.

                 I severed our connection. As soon as I did, the bell rang. So we headed to telepathy together and when we opened the door, Tierragen wasn't there. So we decided that now was a good time To confess' but since neither of us wanted to confess so we decided to actually wait for some reason  because this felt more like homework then doing stuff. So we talked for a little. And Fitz said that Biana found Mr. Snuggles hiding spot and showered him with more glitter. So when he took him out he got Covered with glitter because his hiding spot is high up ''wait you still sleep with him'' I said jokingly.'' Well, you still sleep with Ella so you one to talk he said with a little bit of hurt in his voice.          

                      Before I could reply our mentor walked in with his Black Swan disguise on, but it was wearing off. I had never seen this before and I personally thought it was pretty cool. Half Tierragen half Granite told us that today we would be telling our secrets and now we were kind of bummed out that we hadn't already told our secrets because now we would have to tell our secrets while somebody was watching our reactions. When he saw us looking embarrassed, he told us that this was necessary because our congate training and since the training is almost finished so we must tell each other our secrets because without them we could never officially become congates so we both connected our minds and started this very embarrassing conversation.

"So, who wants to go first"

"Well at lunch you did tell me that you would go first".

"Ah I did didn't I "


"Well.... How about you go first "

"WHAT no no no'" I said franticly 

"Well then" he said intimidatingly ''I guess then I'll just have to ask Keefe about that thing with dex."

Because I knew he would make good on his threat I agreed

on the count of three 




ikindalikeyou as soon as I said it I instantly regretted it when I saw the look on his face. He did not say a word.

hope you like my cliffhanger ... Also over 10 views!!!I know this is pathetic but this is my first fanfic I didn't expect for one person to read it so I am very ecstatic! have a niceand dont die

        -<3 sas

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