Oh Fitz

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Biana's POV~~~~~~~~

            "WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!!!" I yelled for maybe the tenth time. Still despising my brother for making my best friend cry.

"I'm sorry! I d-didn't meant t-to."  I would've continued to yell and even smack him right across his weird little face but I saw his face and I knew that he meant it. He had that face where you knew you did something stupid and you'll regret it to the day you die and with our infinite life spans, well that's about forever! 

"fine. what did you do to make her so upset." I said as calmly as a could

"I-I did something st-stupid you'll p-probably hate me for-r," he said shakily

"I mean it couldn't be that  bad," I said with no confidence in my voice 

"well... she kinda told me that  secret that she's been hiding and... let's just say I didn't  respond well" 

"*sigh* you froze didn't you"

"the only response that I got was a small nod"

"she told you told you she likes you didn't she" 

"What!?! how did you know!?! "

"first of all, I am her BFF so she told me also she always looking at you all dreamy'' I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

after that he mumbled something under his breath but was interrupted by me asking " so do you want my help to get her back or what?

as soon as I said that his head jolted up and said "Really?" 

"Sure why not. "

a few minutes later after talking and deciding on a plan I go to the leapmaster and yell out 












Sophie's POV~~~~~~~~

even though it had only been a few hours since the thing, its felt like years my train of thoughts was interrupted by a soft knock, and thinking it was Edaline I told her that wasn't in the mood but the door slowly opened revealing Baina.

"oh sorry am I intruding?" she said sweetly 

" No no your fine! I just didn't know you were coming"

"I was going to tell you but i was afraid you would say no or not in the mood like you did to" Edaline."

"ya I probably would have" I said with a sigh 

but anyways I came here because when you're down you get a makeover!

since when? i said as whiny and dramatic as possible. 

we talked and talked in till the thing came up I don't know how it came up but it did.

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