about the author

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im finally answering your questions like I said I would. you might be very confused on why my chapters are kind of out of order like I said I would do something about something I didn't post yet because it's after but since I restarted the last real chapter and I pushed that it put it to after the chapter I made when I posted it so yeah so don't be confused anyways I will answer your questions because no one freaking commented so here we go

asked me if I like Paris and I wasn't sure if that was a book and I've never heard of it so I'm just gonna go with the city I am sorry if that's not what you meant but that is what I got from it and yes I do like the city Paris I've been there once it is very beautiful the food is delicious the people are nice the rats are big and the streets smell like bread it's very good

ask me what's my favorite color and my favorite outfit and I am basic my favorite outfit is a jumper with bees on it I would show you a picture of it but my pad is being weird and will not let me but anyways it's very cool flowy and not hot which is good because I live in Florida into this hot 24/7 so yeah. my favorite color is probably pastel green because it is I don't have to say why it just is

ask me if I live in the US yes I do as I said I live in Florida and it is hot and steamy and there is a iguana poop everywhere you go that's probably just a Miami thing but whatever now you know this and I live in but do you because I live in the suburbs ha ha

my very annoying sister ask me what my hair color was and eye color I don't know why she did this but she did so I will tell you I have brown hair and brown eyes I am very basic I know

now to answer questions no one asked because literally four people asked me questions I am sorry if you ask me a question that it did not answer that was probably because my computer is being weird it will not show me anything new for the past week or so so if you commented after October 23rd I'm sorry I did not get your question anyways I got sidetracked so here are other basic things about me

I have a lot of pets. I have 14 chickens in my backyard I have 7 fish and I have a dog totals to 22 pets sorry if it's 21 it's literally midnight right now sorry if it's 23 I am not going to do math so yeah

my nationality is Native American/Cuban/ Norwegian I know it's a weird mix but whatever I live in South Florida are you surprised that I'm Cuban.

my favorite animal is a frog I like frogs I have owned frogs my pet Kermit he was a frog just died a few weeks ago so yeah

my Hogwarts house is ravenclaw I am not going to say anything about this because I just am

I travel a lot I have been to six out of the seven continents I think there are 7 again it is midnight but yeah I've been to no it's America South America Africa Asia and Europe

my favorite TV show changes a lot but as of now in the past three months I'd say it's one day at a time I have been binge watching it with my grandmother because she watched the old one and she just wants to see how they made this one

my favorite book is obviously keeper velocities I have been reading these since 3rd grade so many many years some of these books are in very bad condition as I read them at least once a month like the whole series and flashback does not have a cover anymore

the scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I fell off the side of a mountain and shattered my ankle. so yeah tell me if you wanna hear that story because that is a only chapter in itself

I have a record by the way I have a thing where whenever I get sick I get crazy high temperatures like 105 degrees is normal for me so when I was a baby I was having a seizure and I had 109 degree temperature so yeah I'm not sure if it's a world record but it's a record for my hospital the people at my hospital know me very well so it's kind of a sad fact but something you know about me. 

Just you guys know this was edited in so for anyone who read this before do not be confused this was not here but anyways I speak 3 languages you speak English being my first language Spanish learning it as a toddler as about 75% of my families only speaks it and French because I don't know I just felt like it It was also very useful when I visited Paris and the countryside 

by the way this chapter is like almost 900 words and I did this in 3 hours because I take way too long to do anything thank you to my ADHD and ADD. and I really can't think of anything else you would want to know about me so this is the end of it thank you for reading and have a nice day and dont die


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