Part 2/3

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Almost instantly I was transferred to a palace. Gleaming with gold and emerald. It shone and glimmered in the endless light. I realized where I was.

"Heaven." I whispered.

I turned around and there He was. The Light Source. The Creator. I fell on my face. Somehow, I knew that He was you-know-who.

"Nicholas Isaiah Cabin. Born in the year 2001 on the planet Soloris. Wants to be a terra-former. An interesting career choice." He stroked his long, glowing silk beard and placed me in His palm. I couldn't bear to look at His face. It radiated light and power.

After a moment I spouted out a question,

"Did I die?"

"I have a Plan for you Nick. You will be My representative. Like Drew Hunter, your friend. But you will be royalty. You will be the king of Soloris. But you must humble yourself." He tapped gently on my chest. This was a lot to take in at once.

"Why me?"

"You are humble, caring and gentle, albeit curious and ignorant of My existence."

He placed me on the ground and brushed His fingers in the air. I began to disappear.

"Wait, I have to-"

"I am always here."

As I faded back into the real world, I felt the sand of the shore shifting under me. It was the grainy feel I had known all my life. I was alive! A dolphin whistled at me from the horizon and dove back into the water.

"Oh my God."

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