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[Athena Margaux at 12 years old]

"Mom? Mom! Would you please calm down-"

"Calm down!? Do you hear yourself. My idiotic sister is taking you away from me, as if she owns you. I OWN you, and she can't just decide what happens to you, i decide that. It is not my fault that she can't bear children. Her faulty womb is none of my concern, and it doesn't give her authority to give you that 'motherly touch' as if saying I can't give that. What a jerk! Urgh!" She shouted.

I bit my lip in order to stop myself from talking back. Aunt Rosetta just wanted what is best for me, deciding and providing the things i need because my mom lacks those. She didn't intend to make her feel that way. My mom's choice of words truly are horrible. Aunt doesn't deserve this.

Mom pulled up in front of my aunt's house and shut the door at me. I quickly took off my seatbelt and went after her.

"M-mom? I don't think we should-"

"Hush." She hushed me down and kicked the door open. I tried to reach unto her arms but she just shrugged me off, walked pass by the housekeeper, not minding if she bumped the door at his face or what.

"Rosetta!" My mom shouted as she barged inside the house, walking through the hallway like a crazy psychopath.

I apologetically smiled at the housekeeper who opened the door before catching up with my mother.

"Geez mom, giving him a little bit respect won't hurt." I scolded her and as always, she doesn't give a damn.

"It's not my fault that they decided to be slaves under my sister's roof and for heaven's sake where is that wretched sister of mine? ROSETTA!" she continued to shout.

Alright, I'm done.

I rolled my eyes and stopped following her. My aunt's house is huge, massive. Perks of bieng a successful archeologist i guess. I bet having a Husband who is great in architecture also adds alot of toppings on the cake huh?

I sighed and looked for the living room where most of the books i read are stored. Aunt has a huge library and I'll give anything to be there or atleast to have all of those books.

Sadly i can only carry much and since my mom doesn't allow me to bring home stuff given by my aunt or she'll burn them, i keep them in the shelf dedicated just for me right in their living room so that whenever we.. i dropped by, i can just take one and read. As simple as that.

I wish aunt was my mom, it would be great. Plus it must be really good feeling alone and free, no hesitations, no annoying mother, nothing holding you back.

I shook my head and hummed my way through to the hallway. I smiled when i saw the living room door but my smile grew brighter as soon as i saw my aunt there, sitting pretty while smiling at me.

"Let me guess you're expecting me." I leaned on the door frame before running towards her to give her a tight hug.

"Woah. There, there. Well, I knew you'll come here straight away." She teased. I smiled and pulled myself away from her.

Aunt Rosetta really is something different. She's so different from my mom even though they're siblings. Like the yin and yang.

Aunt Rosetta is sweet, loving, not to mention successful while mom.. i don't even know where to start.

"Mom's looking for you." I informed her.

"I know," she gave me a lopsided smile as we hear mom's voice echo through the walls. She stood up and looked at me as if she is inspecting my body's features.

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