01| 𝙰 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔

Beginne am Anfang

I've been forgotten.

A perfect birthday if you ask me


January 6, 2016 (age 12)

I hated the way I looked

My short strawberry blonde hair which took forever to grow had only reached just above my shoulders. I hate my hair.

and the disgusting brown freckles that were scattered all across my face. I hate my skin.

Mom and my older sister Elise hate them too. I don't blame them.

Although since today was my birthday Mom and Elise had helped me cover everything up.

Elise introduced me to something called foundation it kinda burns but it definitely did the trick. The specks of dirt on my face were finally gone. My Twin siblings Derek and Diana loved to call them that I didn't mind because it was true my freckles did kind of look like dirt. It hurt at first because I didn't like that but I'm not a baby so I won't ever cry.

Then Mom curled the ends of my hair it was still short but this time I looked a bit more decent than usual. Well, that's what Mom had said.

Today was my special day. Yeah, I was turning 12 which isn't really an interesting number compared to others but today was only special because Mom had actually agreed to let me play and perform the piano I had spent months perfecting.

Even my clothes were perfect the bright pink dress matched beautifully with my hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

I look at the large mirror sighing happily in contentment with my appearance. For the first time in a long time, I was proud of the way I looked. I hear the talking and laughter of all the guests I had invited. My cousins, aunts, uncles, and even the majority of my classmates were there.

I think they all showed up. I can't believe they actually came just for me.

Although Sierra and Izzy didn't want me to invite all my classmates and insisted that It should be just them, but my whole class just really wanted to come and see my house. I even invited the class bully Jake maybe I could get him to be my friend after he hears my amazing piano playing. Sierra and Izzy said I was a pushover but I just didn't want to be mean.

I really hope they all like my piano playing.

I was gonna play "Fur Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. It was an iconic peace that many people had heard of, it was a bit difficult to play but I aced it.

Just as I get ready to leave my bedroom and head on stage I hear my mom arguing on the phone about something.

after a few minutes pass, my mom bursts open my bedroom doors and heads over to me quickly. She grabs my wrist almost dragging me out of my bedroom. My excitement quickly dies down and turns into fear. Why does her face look both anxious and determined?

Somethings wrong. I hate when she gets like this.

She drags me until we get to the theater room where everybody is waiting. When she sees everybody she softens her grip.

I grin widely when I see how many people have shown up. I see my two brothers, the twins, classmates, extended family, and a few unknown and familiar faces. I wave excitedly at everybody but only a few people wave back.

My mom seats me where all my classmates are and confusion takes over my features. I'm supposed to be behind the curtains about to perform not here in the audience. I study her face and see annoyance and worry.

"Mom I'm supposed to be getting ready for my piano performance ...remember", I say frustration evident in my eyes.

"Change of plans hun we're gonna have Elise perform instead of you. Some important colleagues of mine are here and I need everything to be perfect", my mom says blatantly.

My heart drops.

No-No this was supposed to be my turn to shine Elise is already a star. I'm nothing. I want a chance to be something.

I didn't invite those colleagues why did this have to affect me?

"Mommy my piano playing is perfect I've been practicing really hard please believe me", I say my voice loud grabbing some of the attention of my classmates.

"But you're not perfect enough", she says looking straight into my eyes.

I feel the tears start to gather at the bottom of my eyes. I can't give up I have to plead more after all today is supposed to be my day.

"I-I can be just as perfect as Elise please just give me a-"

"Summer I said NO", she repeats again louder cutting me off.

"but it's my birthday", I say in a weak but desperate attempt to persuade her.

A slap echoes throughout the room, I had just been slapped.

The room goes quiet and I can hear laughter. My eyesight gets blurry as I hold my cheek in shame and embarrassment.

Tears roll down my face.

"Summer not everything is about you, don't ruin tonight!", she yells as the lights dim her voice being loud enough to echo forever in my mind.

"PREACH", I hear a boy yell his loud annoying voice bouncing off the theatre walls followed by more laughter.

It's Jake. I should've never invited him.

I want to get angry and scream at everyone to shut up but I push my feelings away I really don't want to look mean.

It's times like these when I wonder just how much I'm really loved.

I try blocking out the laughter and my breathing gets labored. I don't know what's happening to me but I feel terrible like I can't breathe. I try gasping for air but nothing comes in when I both inhale or exhale.

I clench my hands shut as hard as I can causing my nails to dig into my palms which surprisingly works calming me down slowly but surely.

I stare at the ground trying hard not to pay attention to my surroundings. It's my birthday I'm confused about what I did wrong. Maybe I was being a little selfish but don't I deserve to be selfish on a day made for me?

The lights shining on the stage help me calm down but what I see next causes jealousy to spread all throughout my body.

Elise heads onto the stage and just by her appearance, everybody starts clapping like seals. Her long golden blonde hair and white flowing dress make her look like an angel.

It was right then and there that I realized that Mom was right I could never be perfect like Elise.


A/N: So what vibes are we getting about her family? Also what type of accident do you think got her in a comatose state?

Posting this chapter was also a bit scary because I was unsure if I would be able to post with all the summer work I had going on. Enjoy this intro, everyone.

Also, the way I wrote her saying she was prepared to join her father made it sound like she was suicidal. No the accident that happened to her was so brutal that she expected she was going to die and see her father in the afterlife.

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