S1 ‹What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3›

Começar do início

[Connie]:....-Connie sighs, looking back down on his knees- You mean Eren?.. He already joined the Survey Corps just like (Y/n)...

[Soldier]: Trainee, line up!..Line up before the stage!..-A soldier orders, to which, everybody gets ready-

[Jean]: I'm not risking my life because someone convinced me..-Jean begins- This is a job you can't do unless you decide for yourself..

With that, he walks off. The rest eventually line up as night fell. There stood Erwin on the stage as he begins his speech to everyone.

[Erwin]: I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps. Today, you will choose a military branch. Put bluntly, I'm here to persuade you to join the Survey Corps. During the Titan attack, you learned how terrifying they can be. And how limited your own power is. However..This battle brought humanity closer to victory than it's ever been. Through the existence of (Y/n) and Eren jaeger. By risking their own lives, the two have proven themselves, without doubt, to be friends of humanity. With his help, not only did we stop the Titan's advance, but we have a way to discover their true natura..

This grab's everyone's attention as they look up.

[Erwin]: We believe that in the basement of his Shinganshina home, there are answers about the Titans that he himself doesn't have. If we can reach that basement, we will find a clue that will end this century of Titan rule...

Bertolt's mouth hangs as Reiner mumbles to him and to his friend.

[Reiner]: The basement?..

[??]: We've already advanced that far?.If we learn what they are, we can end this!..

[Armin]: No matter how much he wants recruits, I can't believe he's publicizing this information. Or does he have some hidden motive? What is he trying to see?..-Armin thinks hard, staring up at Erwin- 

[Erwin]:...-Erwin looks amongst the crowd, explaining once again- We will head for the basement in Shinganshina. However, that requires us to retake Wall Maria. In other words, our objective hasn't changed..-Petra and Mike came over with a map in their hands. The two unfold it to reveal the districts and walls- But with the Trost gate sealed, we'll have to take the long way around, from Karanes to the east. The four years we spent laying a route for a large army have gone to waste. In those four years, more than sixty percent of the Survey Corps lost their lives. Sixty percent in four years.. An insane figure...

[Erwin]: Any trainees who join will participate in our excursion beyond the walls, in a month. We expect thirty percent won't return. In four years, most will be dead. But those who survive will become superior soldiers with a high survival rate. Knowing these discouraging facts, any still willing to risk their lives, remain here. Ask yourself..Are you willing to offer your beating heart for humanity? That is all. Anyone who wishes to join another branch is dismissed..-People begin to talk to one another, debating if they should stay are leave-

[??]: Commander..Don't you think you scared them a little much? All of them will leave!.. 

And just like that, most of the crowd started to walk off, including Annie. Eventually, almost everyone left except for Jean, Reiner, Bertolt, Christa, Ymir, Sasha, Connie, Armin, and Mikasa.

[Jean]: Damn it..Come on, you already decided! Don't make me hate myself any more..

[Sasha]: If I don't leave now, I'll have to face them again...

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