Chapter 6 Missing

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(You don't I have to play music)

*Fitz POV*

A few hours after they left Sophie, Edaline had imparted his mother.
"Sophie's not here!"  Edaline screamed
"What?" Her mother asked.
"What?!" Biana and Fitz said together, running towards their mother, the others following behind.
"We went to go visit Sophie, and she's not here!" Edaline cried.
"Calm down! We're coming!" Fitz yelled.
With that, everyone went to the healing center, and Sophie wasn't there.
"She's probably at Havenfeild," Tam said.
"Elwin hadn't let her go yet though!" Grady said.
"It's SOPHIE! She doesn't listen to Elwin if she thinks something is more important," Fitz said, and then they all light leaped to Havenfeild, running up to her room.
Fitz ran through the open door way, Sophie not being there.
All her stuff was gone, a note was left in her bed.
Fitz read it out loud
"I'm useless now, nobody wants to trust a hero who got knocked out by a dog
-The ex Moonlark"

"No No No No!" Biana cried.
"I'll try to reach out," Fitz said.

Sophie? Can you hear me?
What do you want Fitz?!
Sophie? Why did you leave?
The letter saids it.
Where are you going?!
I'm not telling you!
Please Sophie!
No! I'm hurting the black swan before they hurt me!
I'm sure they'll understand!
No! Stay out of my head Fitz! Or I'll break the connection!
Please no!
How about this, you say that I refused to say much and I won't break the cognate connection.
I don't wanna lie
Then I suggest if you want to keep then connection, lie!
Sophie! I'm not going to!
Then I guess the connection is OVER!
The connection was shut off.

"What did she say?" Biana asked.
"Not enough," Fitz growled.

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