entry eighteen.

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I don't have time.

I steady myself against the tiled wall, before breaking out into the run. The corridors are bare and each cell is barred with heavy iron bolts. I want to see 011, but I promptly run past.

I need to find Peter.

I can only hope that Dr Brenner doesn't wake up any time soon. I wipe the small trail of blood from beneath my nose, smearing the back of my palm. across my hospital gown.

The corridors are bare and I can hear the distant snore of security further down the building. I take care to avoid security cameras and pace myself to not make excessive noise.

Finally, I find the orderly quarters. It's neatly tucked away into a quiet corridor, guarded by large swinging double doors. An electrical lock glows red from the corner.

I uncurl my palm from its tight fist, revealing Dr Brenner's keycard. There's a long crease that distorts the image of his face.

He looks much younger in the photograph. His hair borders a light brown and he's smiling - genuinely. I don't pity him though. I left him unconscious in the infirmary.

I tell myself that he deserved it.
Because he did.

But I wonder what changed him. What caused a boy to grow into such evil? I don't have time to think.

I press the keycard against the lock, watching the buzzer flash from red to green with a soft electronic hum. I cautiously step through the double doors, standing on the blue tile.

The room is very different from the others. The tiles are blue and the walls are pale grey. There is a sofa and terracotta plant pots. It's pretty. Almost similar to the inside of a family living room.

I turn, following a passage. It's tighter, but I recognise it from an exercise conducted a few weeks prior. Eventually, I find the sleeping cells.

The rooms are larger. More normal. There aren't locks shuttered across each door and corresponding numbers painted in black. The knob is shiny brass and the floors are dry carpet. There's a proper bed-stand, and two pillows, instead of just one.

However, the only window is high up and barred, which I think is tormenting. The orderlies are surrounded by normal plants and coloured walls, but the barred windows remind them of their captivity.

I exit the vacant room, pacing the length of the corridor. I can't differentiate between which orderly occupies what room, and it isn't an option to enter each one.

There are several doors on either side of the corridor - equaling fourteen. I can't risk a 1/14 chance of choosing the right door and finding Peter.

I want to kick my foot against the wall. I have come all this way only to be exhausted by numerous doors.

"013?" I press my back against the wall, feeling my breath stopper in my throat as if I cork was pushed between my lips. My heart threatened to explode.

"I got lost," I try to cry, but no tears fall. I can only imagine I look stupid with red cheeks and droopy lips. "I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleep-walking,"

It's a ridiculous lie.
But I need the time.

The orderly doesn't draw closer, but I recognise their suspicion. There aren't any panic buttons in this passage, but there's one in the main area.

Essentially, I'm trapped.
I can't leave.

"I think I'll walk myself out," I rub my cheeks with my knuckle, pretending to brush away tears. "I'll find my way back," I turn, ready to break out into a run.

"Stop," They call.

I don't.

I break out into a sprint, knocking aside plant pots and bookshelves with my arm extended. Before, I leave I punch my fist against the red panic button, shattering the glass panel. A shrill alarm bursts through the air.

"You little bitch," The orderly screams. I slow down, turning on my heel to assess the damage. Activating, the panic button created a lockdown. The doors would not open unless security personnel did so.

Before I leave, I smile. I also wave cheerfully.

However, without Peter, I don't know what to do. We had talked about escaping so many times. I had established that I'd reunite with my parents, eat blueberry pie, greasy pizza and chicken chow mein.

Peter doesn't have any family left. But, he said he'd want to visit his old home and eat a warm dinner.

None of those could come true without a plan. All I was doing now was running around recklessly and wreaking havoc.

I held Dr Brenner's keycard firmly. I had my powers, terrible acting skills and surprisingly fast feet. All of them didn't seem to be optimal escape weapons. However, it was better than nothing at all.

I turn into a storage cupboard and stack boxes against the door. The handle holds against the weight and I slump against the wall, slowly sliding to the floor.

My face is wet with blood, and I mop beneath my nose with the hem of my hospital gown. I bunch up the gown and hold it against my nose until the bleeding stops.

In the reflection of the door handle, my face is ghostly. Dark bags create an abyss beneath my eyes, and red veins are prominent against my sclera. It seems that the colour of my gown has shifted from grey to brown and red.

I don't have time to care for my appearance. If I don't escape now I'll face a fate worse than death. Suddenly, I'm overcome with dread.

What am I thinking?
What the actual fuck am I doing?

I can't help but laugh.

- sorry for the short chapter, it was either this or waffling another 400 words. if you enjoyed please vote and comment, let me know what you think so far!!!
- rosa <3

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