entry thirteen.

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I don't see Peter again for a very long time.

Wherever I seem to be, is where he isn't. It seems intentional. There are only so many places to be. It's improbable that we keep missing each other, solely based on coincidence.

"013," 011 waves her hand in front of my face, tugging on my wrist. An impatient look threatens her features. I blink - hard, straightening in my seat to face 011. "It's your turn,"

I've been teaching 011 to play chess. So far, she's been quite hopeless. She finds amusement in picking up the pieces and making them dramatically fight before tossing them off the board. However, she's an avid learner.

I deliberate my next move, picking up my bishop and moving him three spaces diagonally. "Check,"

Her face falls. "How?" She cries out. 011 slams her hand against either side of the table, attracting the attention of an orderly.

"What's going on here?" He demands. 011 draws back in her seat, shielding her face behind her hands. I stand abruptly and watch the orderly's hand ghost over the taser on his belt.

"Sorry," I say slowly, walking to a further corner. 011 watches with fearful eyes, finally uncoiling her body. "We're both very competitive,"

I can feel the eyes of the other children. They all watch with their breath caught in their throats, their gaze passing between the taser and me.

A hand touches my shoulder, grazing the exposed skin of my collarbone. However, I don't flinch. I know that touch all too well.

"I can vouch for, 013," Peter says. I look up and I can see the sharp curve of his jaw. He isn't looking at me, but his hand is still firmly pressed against my shoulder. "I'm sure she wasn't trying to cause any trouble,"

"I'm not bothered to deal with this shit anymore, Ballard," The orderly states. He gathers his belongings before storming out of the room.

Peter removes his hand. I suddenly feel cold. "I was doing fine on my own," I say. I have to tilt my neck to see him entirely - he's too tall.

"Good morning to you too," Peter smiles, placing his hand on my upper back. Whatever, composure he had lost two weeks ago, he had finally gained. He guides me to the chess table, and I sit before 011.

She's reset the board and carefully shuffles the pieces around the checkered table. "Are you okay?" 011 asks, scrutinising my arms for bruises.

"Everything's fine," I answer.

011 spins the board, taking control of the black pieces. "I start first?" She asks. I nod, trying to ignore Peter who's standing over us both. It's slightly imposing, feeling his body pressed against the back of my chair.

"How about you help, 011?" I find it hard to breathe when he's so close to me. "You could explain some of the rules to her," She nods, almost too eagerly.

I don't think much of it, avoiding Peter's glare, as he casually steps over to sit beside 011. Even whilst kneeling, he's multiple inches taller than me.

"You start," I say, leaning back in my seat. I always try to draw the game out to help 011 improve. However, with Peter's help, my opponent poses a challenge and I'm not willing to lose.

Peter places a hand on the corner of the table, shifting closer to whisper into 011's ear. He cups a hand over his lips, to shield his words from my eyes. I try not to scrutinise the smile that creeps over 011's mouth.

Peter withdraws, and 011 draws out her centrepiece. I play my hand, scraping my chair forward to sit over the board. 011 and Peter converse back and forth through stares and hushed words.

I shouldn't be jealous. She's younger than me and has never been treated fairly her entire life. She deserves to earn the same comfort I gain from Peter's words. But her glossed eyes and tilted lips set my heart on fire.

"Five minutes of play left," An orderly states from the centre of the room. I turn back to the board, examining my position.

011 stands a chance of checking me, but she foolishly turns her piece in the opposite direction.

"Check," I bring my queen forward, placing it diagonally to her king. She has no opportunity for defence. Peter watches, his face drawn between horror and admiration. He seems like a sore loser.

011's smile falls, realising she's lost. I drag my queen down the board, gently knocking her king onto its side. "Checkmate," I grin.

The bell begins to ring, and 011 immediately stands and runs to stand by the door. However, I sit lazily for a moment, staring down at the board. Peter hasn't moved to join the others yet.

"You let me win," The words fall loosely from between my lips. Whatever excitement I had felt instantly faded.

I have an exceptional memory and a decent amount of common sense. However, even a fool could recognise that the game was shifted in my favour. Peter doesn't object, but I can still see that mixture of admiration and horror behind his eyes.


Dr Brenner still hasn't entered the Rainbow Room. Peter draws 011's chair, slipping into her seat. He stares at me for a long time.

"That smile," Peter answers. I can feel my heart flutter madly in my chest. "It could make a man go mad," It feels as if my airways have been glued shut. My mouth opens once, but no sound escapes.

Peter leans forward. "Cat got your tongue?" He says, smiling. I push my chair beneath the desk, escaping the confines of his stare. My entire body is on fire, small flames licking across my skin.

"Good Morning, Children," Dr Brenner finally enters.

Peter stands arranging himself to stand by the door. I don't meet his eyes, though I can feel him staring.

"Good Morning, Papa," We all say in unison.

I don't look back, until I'm out of the double doors, leading the procession to another group exercise.

Though, I know that wherever Dr Brenner is taking us can't be safe, it feels like I can finally breathe.


- sorry for depriving you guys of chapters for so long. i had exams and races and all sorts of things going on. know that my life is boring again i'll be updating as normal. if you enjoyed please vote and comment - let me know what you think of the story so far

- roza <3

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