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Bella stares at us as we drive in. Emmett is standing up through the sunroof. I sigh and tug him down so we can get out. We all look at her as she sighs, not knowing that we can hear. Jasper and Alice turn around to look at her as we walk up the steps. As she catches their eyes, they look away. I keep staring.

She's trying to find Edward. The next day, we have Biology again. She's disappointed when she sees the table empty.

Every day she looks at our lunch table, searching. For Edward, I know she is.

As Sunday comes, we hear of a security guard being killed in town. None of us know what to say.

Monday rolls around and Bella walks into Biology. Her eyes lock on Edward's. Oh, she's going to try to confront him. She sit down, looks as if she's going to say something, then turns around to the front of the room.

I shift my seat over to listen. For anything.

Strained, Edward makes first contact. "Hello," he says meekly. "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella?"

She nods. "Yes." she says after a moment's hesitation.

"Now, onion root tip cells," Mr. Molina says, breaking up the conversation. "That's what's in your microscope windows right now. Okay? So separate and tag them in the phases of mitosis. And the first pair that gets it right will win... the Golden Onion! Alright, break."

Alice and I turned to each other. We fly through the questions. We finish right before Bella and Edward in the second row. They get up first and receive the onion. Alice and I grumble in response to Edward's smirk over at us.


Edward stands next to the car, staring at Bella. I sigh inwardly. Joy.

Edward's eyes flicker over to mine. I shrug lightly in response to his unasked question.

A van comes swerving into the parking lot, blowing the horn loudly.

Bella turns around slowly, her eyes blowing out wide. Alice stands stock still for a moment before opening her mouth to yell at Edward. He's already halfway across the lot. The van swerves, trying tu avoid Bella. Edward arrives just in time. He grabs Bella around the waist and his arm hits the side of the van.

As if realizing what he's done, Edward jumps over the back of the truck and runs off, at human speed.

People begin to clamor around her.

"Call 911!" Someone yells.

"I'm on the phone. They'll send someone soon," another says.

Tyler rises to see through the open window. "Bella. I'm so sorry. I-I panicked."

Everyone is shouting at each other. Rosalie is holding Emmett's hand so tightly, I'm afraid she might tear it off by accident.

"Bella, I've got 911 on the phone right now," another voice rings out above the crowd.

Alice and Jasper stare at scene, pushing off each other. I sigh, eyes flickering over the scene.

The girl is completely unharmed. Jasper walks away to find Edward. I usher everyone into the car and slide into the driver's seat. Time to go to the hospital.

Yes, I'm aware Sparrow is fifteen. But we're still letting her pretend that she's not permanently fifteen. But how are you?

Edit: wow I forgot to post.

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