Entry #2: Hobbies

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July 16, 2022

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to another entry of my weird diary/journal thing. I can say I've never been as excited to write as I have been today. 

I wanted to talk more about what I'm interested in and maybe stuff you'll see in the future. 

ART: I've been in a tough place with art currently. I see all these beautiful drawings by far younger individuals and I think "Why aren't I good enough." Clearly, that is a terrible mindset to have going into art. If you keep beating yourself up about it, well, there's no more fun to art anymore. I really want to learn how to paint clouds, but I've been procrastinating. Also, painting isn't really my forte. I usually draw anime traditionally. If I feel confident I'll show you guys, but honestly I'm not sure if this is even being read by anyone. 

MUSIC: I play the violin, and I enjoy singing. I should play my violin more, but I feel like I shouldn't because I don't want to be a bother to the whole household in which I live in. I also have been told I have a good singing voice and "YOU sHouLD bE on AmERiCa'S GoT tAlENt" only for my dad to tell me "You're ok, you just have a good karaoke voice." Like wtf? 

WRITING: Clearly, since I'm on here- writing is going to be one of my hobbies. I do have 3 other stories on here, um, I feel like if you read them you'll think wtf is wrong with you (except my actually good one The Exalt) but I feel to read them, you must also be interested in the game in which they are from. I have a poetry acc to, yeah, that was a thing. I like to mimic the styles of other writers- typically. However, I feel 'The Exalt' is actually my writing style. Also idk what tf I'm supposed to do for stories is it underline or quote... I'm to lazy to look it up rn. 

READING: Yep, this goes hand-in-hand with writing doesn't it. Currently, I've had a fondness for reading old literature (I just finished The Picture of Dorian Gray), I really want to read Emma and The Count of Monte Christo after I watched the movies for them. Anyways, if I am reading a more modern book it's almost always a dystopian novel or a Wings of Fire book because-haha- ya girl's been reading those books since she was in 4th grade and they just never. stopped. coming. out. with. more. 

FASHION: Also another thing I'm interested in, however my wardrobe is lacking :( One thing is, I like-just like my reading stuff- more vintage things but with a modern twist. Like gimme that Victorian White Blouse with a fcking vest thing over it please. Also my insecurity plays a lot into why my clothing sucks, hahaha more into that later. 

Anyway, I'm sure there are more hobbies I could write about later. For now that's all you're getting. I feel like since I tagged this as having poetry in it, I should have a poem at the end or something. So here's my terrible attempt at creating poetry right now. 


I think I like one thing but then I drop it for the next
Everytime someone tells me I'm not good enough
I feel a burning passion, to prove them that their wrong and put them in their place
But eventually that passion fades, so does the love for that hobby 

I think I should just stop listening to them, maybe I'd be happier
But, it's never been that easy in fact it's always been so tough
I know this might feel cliché, but there's a voice inside of me 
Agreeing with the people who always bring me down

I thought I had control over it, 
But it's never been that way. 


LOL Sorry for the worst poetry ever. Made it on the spot, but like yeah... Once again, thank you for listening to me lovelies!

☁️ 𓇿 𝒾𝓁𝓎 ༝ 🍃𓎆


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