13• The Pain Of Love

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"God! You're changing." "Because of you." As the night's conversation echoed in her ears, tears trickled down her eyes mechanically. She was in such anguish that it felt like someone had stabbed her in the chest.

"So it was all a lie, and he's not changing. He's only doing it because he wants to fuck me." She took a step back, crying. "I just can't believe it," she murmured, shaking her head.

She pressed her palm against her mouth to keep her sobs at bay, staring at Cole in complete bewilderment with her sorrowful eyes.

"And I'm like a fool, thinking that he's changing because of me. For the first time, I'm hating myself for blindly loving him." She dashed out of the house, crying.

As Ethan saw her, he called her, "Reyna."

"This girl never takes her breakfast, and then she falls ill." He said, shaking his head.

She shed silent tears after sitting in her car. She had been so happy the night before, and now she was completely broken. She felt as if her soul had been ripped from her body. She was overjoyed when she realised she was changing him, but a part of her died today after seeing his true face.

"His words, vibes, everything felt so genuine to me. God, I still can't believe he's just talking to me because he wants to fuck," she couldn't finish her sentence and sobbed like a broken soul.

Because of her unwavering love for him, she was unable to recognise that he was manipulating her sentiments because everything he said to her felt so genuine.

"After knowing this, I can't talk to him." She murmured, shaking her head and gripping the steering.

She wiped her tears and drove off after deciding that she wouldn't talk to him and would move on.

It was not in her destiny to forget Cole and move on. God was just testing her devotion to him.


After three hours, she stepped out of the examination hall with her heart broken, lips drawn down in despair and eyes filled with sorrow.

She felt out of the world after talking to him and began hoping that one day she would undoubtedly win his heart, but he crushed her all hopes.

As her phone beeped, she checked it. She scowled because it was his message.

My Hottie Biker: Free now? It's been more than three hours now.

Miss SA: Bye.

She sent this message and immediately disabled the sim because she knew she wouldn't be able to ignore him if he messaged her.

"Why did you do this to me, Cole?" She murmured, staring at his photo with her sorrowful eyes, and fresh tears streaming down her cheeks.

She couldn't understand how she could still be in love with the person who was causing her so much pain.

When she arrived home, she found Ethan and Ella sitting in the hall. She dashed over to them and hugged Ethan after sitting beside him. She sobbed, which worried them both. He raised his brows at Ella, asking her 'what happened to Reyna?'

Ella shook her head, unsure of what had happened to her.

"What happened, Reyna? Didn't your exam go well?" He asked in a concerned tone, stroking her hair.

"Hmm..." she sniffled.

Ella understood that there was a connection to Cole after seeing Reyna in such distress.

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