Chapter 1

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It has already been two months since he had gone, and I still was cooped up in my room at the castle crying.

I hadn't seen Lissa, Christian, Mia, or anyone in the past weeks. I wanted to be alone; that's all. Away from those who knew him and talked with him. I didn't need anyone to comfort me or try to make me feel better. I just wanted to be alone.

It wasn't easy, though.

I had found myself many times wishing for Lissa to just come and hold me for a while. I had wanted for her to come over and just stay with me; but she was hurt by the fact I had turned down my best friend-her. I didn't know whether she would come right now if I called, but I hoped.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through the contacts, tears rolling down my face. I found her's Lissa and pressed the call button. I put the receiver to my ear and waited for her voicemail.

"Hello?" Said a male voice, it was Christian. It was nice to hear at least someone's voice.

"Christian? It's Rose." I said.

His voice was laced with concern. "Rose? Are you okay?" I smiled a bit. First smile in a while.

"Well, Chris, I can't say I'm good." A hint of sarcasm and joking was in my tone. There was a shuffle on the other end.

"Rose? I'll be right there. Give me ten minutes." Lissa. She knew that I wouldn't call unless I was really truly in need of her friend-wise. That's what our friendship was. She hung up the phone and I dropped mine on the floor, I was huddled up in the corner of my bathroom only wearing a towel.

* * *

Lissa burst into the bathroom, walking straight towards me and engulfing me in a huge hug. I couldn't help but cry in relief to have her next to me, to have someone that I love next to me. My head was immediately on her shoulder, soaking the sleeve of her shirt with my sobs. She stroked my hair, letting my cry my weight in tears. I saw Christian in the doorway, being the gentleman that is in him somewhere and averting his gaze to the small window in the bathroom. I saw that the sun was out, and I knew that Lissa was hurting from the light that hit her shoulder.

"Let's get you into some clothes, Rose." She said, helping me up (even though I didn't need it) while I leaned into her side. My hands were hiding my face as I tried to compose myself. Christian stepped out of the room when Lissa gave him a look, and closed the door quietly, shooting me a sympathetic look. I was set on the couch with a blanket thrown over me. I cuddled into it, enjoying the warmth.

Lissa worked quietly, going into my closet and dresser and picking out my clothes for me. A navy Rolling Stones t-shirt with some yoga pants and flats. She turned away to pick up something while I changed. I noticed that she started putting clothes in a basket before I spoke up. "I am sorry for being a bitch..." I said, my voice wavering.

She looked at me with a sad smile, "I am sure I would be the same way, Rose. Especially if he left just after such a night." I nodded, my eyes flooding with tears again.

She was almost immediately at my side as if protecting me, instead of I protecting her. She held my shoulders, "I'll brush your hair." She said rubbing my arms. I nodded and went to sit on the couch. She left to the bathroom and returned shortly after holding my favorite brush in her hands. She went to sit behind me and started to brush out the tangles in my hair. She apologized every time that she hit a snarl, thinking that she had hurt me; but I simply nodded. I didn't have feelings anymore.

When she was finished, she placed the brush on the table and looked over, seeing a small plastic stick with a pink cover. It had two lines on it.

"Rose... What is this?" She asked. I looked over at her with tears in my eyes.

"What do you think Liss?"

"Oh. Dear. Vlad."

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