"The Unknown Flame"

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***~~~Eddies POV ~~~***

"I brought you to a nice restaurant for breakfast and you fucking choose honeycomb cereal!" she yells at me in disbelief.

"What? It's good!" I respond.

She shakes her head I can't help but laugh.

She drives me to school like a little kid but personally, I actually enjoy it. "Is it ok if I put my hair down once we get there?" I ask her.

"Fuck no. You're wearing it like that all day. No questions asked." she says in an offended tone. "If you do I will find out from one of your buddies and I might just kill you" she responds in a threatening tone.

"Yes ma'am," I say in response.

She stops by the school entrance to let me out.

"Wanna hang at my place after school? I'll pick you up after school since It's not like I'm doing anything important but sleeping" she says with a smile as she watches me get out of the car.

"Of course. See ya after school then Henderson" I respond with a grin.

"See ya, Munson," she says before I close the door.

It leaves me there smiling while I watch her drive away.

"Who was that? Another one of your freak buddies?" I hear Jason say behind me and his little gang of thugs laughing probably behind him. I take a deep breath and turn around.

"Dont you have anything more important to do? Like maybe throwing balls into laundry baskets?" I say with a huff.

"What was that freak?" he says and attempts to shove me but the only thing that moves is my shoulder. "Well someone has a bad temper AND bad hearing" I huff under my breath and show past him. I have no patience to deal with him today. I had a way too good night just for it to be ruined by a snotty prick.

Once the bell rang it was just like every other day. Homeroom, Math, Science, English, and finally lunch. People were looking at me strangely all day most definitely because of my hair but I didn't give one shit what they thought. Again, I never have ever cared what people thought about me. Once I sat down at the Lunch Table. All the guys grew completely silent.

"Take a picture it will last longer," I say as I stare down at the table.

Just then all of them started bursting out laughing.

"Did your mommy do your hair?" Gareth says with a sneer.

"Actually no, Y/N forced me to wear it like this and she said if she found out I took it out she'll kill me," I say in a serious tone.

"Why? Are you scared of her?" Jeff says mockingly.

"You guys would be terrified if you see how she gets when she's upset or pissed," Dustin says with a worried face. "Once she got so pissed from playing a rigged D and D match she broke one guy's are and fractured the other one's skull" Dustin continues in a serious voice.

Everyone stops laughing and stares at him. "How could a D and D match be rigged?" Mike says in a confused tone.

"The Dice were metal. Someone was holding a magnet under the table while they played so whenever it landed on a good number they would move it so it was on a bad number." Dustin explains.

"How did she not get sent to prison?" Gareth asks.

"Simple, they were playing in an old decaying barn area.  They were trespassing and almost everyone there was smoking pot and getting high. It would've exposed all of them." Dustin answers.

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