End Of The Line

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" babe, you made it finally!" Jimin smiles and tackle me with a hug

I laugh of that and hug him back

" we're glad you join us" Jin said as me and Jimin break the hug

" yeah, it been pretty lonely" Taehyung added

I did a small smile

" um.. Where I put my things? Or my dollhouse?" I suddenly asked

" actually.. Sense we travel a lot, you don't really need it 'till we get back to Korea" Namjoon explained

" and we'll talk about our comeback here but 'till than you can leave your stuff-"

" with me!"Jimin interrupted Jungkook

" of course with you" Yoon-gi joked

" my room ain't far, let's go!" Jimin said excitedly and took my hand as we ran off

" w-you guys no running!" Jin scolded

Jimin was right, it only ten minutes away from mine

" this is my dorm" Jimin said and opens the door for me, I walk in and glanced around to see the guys dorms are pretty expensive looking

" wow, it's like a castle!" I said as I walk in further

Jimin chuckles

" don't forget we the big boy band in the world right now" Jimin reminds as he shuts the door and approached me

" I know, I can't belive you met our Korean president!" I said with little jealously

" don't worry, he mentioned you" Jimin smirked

" like what?" I asked curiously

Jimin got up from the bed and lead me to the bed

" for example"

I was confused at first but when he attack me with his lips I know what going on and immediately kiss back, that however start our sex in bed for who knows how long our last one was. I didn't really notice the time when we hear a door knocking which made Jimin and I quickly got off each other and me hop off the bed and hide behind it while poking my head out to see Jungkook

" Jin Hyung said dinner is ready" Jungkook informed, he than notice me, " why you.."

" something!" Jimin and I both exclaimed

" right, don't wanna know" with that Jungkook headed out as closing the door

" get dress and we'll walk to dinner" Jimin said as he look to the edge to see me

I nodded

After I got my outfit I wore today I headed to the dinner room which looks like a wedding room with beutiful table cloth and chairs and almost everything!

" oh my god, last time I was here it wasn't like this!" I said surprised

" guess our new makane need to adjust" Yoon-gi teased

I roll my eyes with a smile

Jimin and I headed to the table but I only see seven seats instead of eight

" uh.. No need to be blunt, but I don't see another chair" I mentioned

" oh, we all agreed that you don't need one" Hoseok suddenly said

I titled my head confused

" what you mean?" I asked

" sit down on the edge of table" Jimin instructed

I was confused yes, but I did it anyway and sit the edge of the table, carefull of not breaking anything

" okay.. I don't see this helps" I said as I look at the guys

But I immediately knew when Taehyung came over and take off my necklace

" w-what you-!"

I didn't finish when I feel myself shrinking to human height

Ugh, I have a feeling this gonna happen.

It took three minutes of me being back of my human height, I stood up and look at my now giant members

" what the point of this?" I asked them

" well, we clearly the boss but just this time you having dinner at that size" Hoseok explained

" eh?!" I asked

I look up at my giant husband that's beside me and he nodded

" you boys are really-!"

" you really want to test us?" Yoon-gi asked as he raise an eyebrow at me

I blink two times before realizing what he said

" are really best guys I ever met!" I corrected

They bursted out laughing

" it's alright, Krystal, we won't even do any harm" Jin assured as the laughing dye down

" yeah, now, eat up" Jimin said

He took a tiny piece of his bread and I eat it, I nod when I chew it and look at the boys who's eating and chatting with one another

" who cooked?" I asked

" Krystal, you know not to talk with food in your mouth" Namjoon scolded

I quickly gulp it

" sorry hyung" I apologized

" anyway, I cooked sense you coming over and I don't want the food be bad" Jin answers

" you saying we bad cookers?" Jungkook asked him

" well, yeah" Jin shrugged

" I'm better at rapping than cooking anyway" Hoseok shrugged

" speaking of, what position you want in our group?" Namjoon asked which made them look at me


" hm.. I'm real good at rapping, I could do vocals as well" I informed

" how about both? We never had that" Taehyung suggested

" that's not bad" Jimin agreed

Soon everyone agreed on it

" alright then, you want to help be leader?" Namjoon asked

" hell no!" I answers, " I'd been a sub leader and dealing with 12 girls who act like drunk kids hard enough!"

The boys laugh

" alright, you don't have to" Namjoon said as everyone calms down

" by the way Krystal, we need you up bright in early tommorow for being in our pass songs, we already have few positions you can go" Jin informed

" alright" I nodded

After dinner Jimin put me on his bed and we slept. Our first sleep together who knows when.

Parrallel Universe: Iz*one 13th Member? ( G/T ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora