Deachwita MV Making

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( the whole video to get you a better picture )

Day 1

Krystal came in for her and Suga's part of filming. They are now in the make-up room while the stylish doing their hairs. After the make-up was done they headed to set where Krystal tossed the key to Suga. A manager gave the key to Suga as Krystal beside him laying her chin on his shoulder of looking at the key

" is it the actual key?" Yoon-gi asked the manager who gave him that

" yes it is" the manager answers

" stop complaining, it looks cute" Krystal said as eyeing the key

" thank you, at least someone said it" the manager joked a little which that made Suga faces Krystal

" I wasn't complaining" Yoon-gi said with a smile

Krystal took her chin off

" that look at yours says other wise" Krystal shrugged, " please give me the key so we can film"

Suga tossed the girl the key which she catches. They startef filming the first scene of them together. After their done, Krystal sat down on the ground where they film the car

" I'm kind of like a rebel... I'm like a rebel" Yoon-gi said to himself

That made Krystal shook her head with a smile. They got out of the car ones they looked inside. A gentleman like Suga is let Krystal out first which she bow at him of a thanks and help him out. A clip shows the scene of the car but they had to do it three times because Krystal's hair tickles Suga during the shooting but eventually they got it and now watching how it looks on camera

" that one" Yoon-gi said as pointing to a different take of the same scene they did, he than looks at Krystal who's just looking at the scene they did too, " you like that one?"

She thought for a moment and ask to replay the scene he wanted but there was a tiny bit mistake no one could catch

" no offense oppa, but the scene you choose, my hair was all over your face but other than that it was good. But I like the third one we took" Krystal answers

Suga asked to repay the two to compare and Krystal was right

" oh, well the princess is right, let's do that one" Yoon-gi said of agreeing with the girl

" I ain't no princess" Krystal denies

That made Suga crack a smile but don't reply

Now they filming outside with some back up people with the car. Their hands are tied though and Krystal leaning against Suga for her part. When the music plays that's when Krystal began to rap. After they finish with those scenes they began with others but right now Krystal felt tired so she went to human height and lay on Suga's shoulder because it's comfortable

" Krystal just tired" Yoon-gi informed as looking at the camera, " don't worry, she's doing fine"

The camera zoom in the sleeping girl and seconds later zoom out

" this is the last scene of the day, Krystal and I be tied up and I'll be rapping in a round jail but the sun hasn't set, we've been waiting for, we've waited for two hours" Yoon-gi explained and chuckles after

Soon the manager wants them so Suga went carefully without waking the girl up. After the sun sets Krystal woke up before than and went to giant height to film the scene, when the music ends Krystal quickly shakes her head to get the blinde fold off her eyes as the crew compliments them job well done. Suga saw this as a staff take his blinde fold off

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