12. Dear Judith

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             March of 86'

Judith Moore's life was not all sunshine and rainbows like she liked to pretend. Bubbling deep inside under layers of hurt and betrayal lived the imperfectness of it all.

When anyone asked her she would always say that her life was perfect: The fancy clothes her aunt always supplied, the newest gadgets she always brought to school, her supportive friends. It was in that sense, but there was this emptiness that she had which was truly because of her past.

Her old life was like a hurricane, violent, fast and cruel. This began from the time she was born, the very day she took her first breath. Her mother had an affair on her previous husband, her high school sweetheart, with a rich Jackass which resulted in her.

She always thought somebody might have cursed her right then because of her mothers actions.

That same rich asshole stole her mother away with his fancy car and huge house on the outskirts of Hawkins. They were completely and utterly in love with each other then, that was until another child came and a little piece of her mother who had untreated postpartum finally felt guilty for leaving her previous husband, but then came two more children and she was too far down the rabbit hole to stop being with him.

Her mother saw how horrible her father was, really he was a piece of garbage. He did unspeakable things. He treated the kids horribly in more ways than one, the neighbors, his coworkers, and her horrible. He truly made everything worse, and he refused to let her divorce him, even threatened to kill her, so she decided to take it into her own hands. When she thought that all of her kids were out of the house she made a plan and lured him in. She didn't think sweet Judith was in the next room over.

Judith remembers both of her parents screams. She remembers walking into the other room seeing her fathers dead body and her mother starting to light the room on fire, and her mother screaming when she saw her, telling her to get out and to go next door where she was supposed to be with her siblings.

From that day on the image engraved in her mind, when she ran next door and told the neighbors that there was a fire her parents were gone, the fire was spreading rapidly. She was 11 and people only pitied her, her rich daddy and mommy were dead leaving their 4 children behind, no one knew what really happened like she and the police did.

    She lived with that secret, even when she was forced to live with her aunt and her younger siblings, even after 7 years she hadn't told a single soul. She didn't want to ruin her family's image and she didn't want her aunt to know what her mother had done.

She had nightmares every once in a while about the whole occurrence and although it happened years before they were always very vivid. This marked almost a week of frequent nightmares.

Judith wasn't the only person in Hawkins having old nightmares. Kathryn was awaken for the first time in months screaming.

The nightmare was simple, but nether the less terrifying. A familiar figure appeared, the mind flayer, this time it caught up to her friends. This time she was the one to die. Billy was with them, he wasn't flayed in her dream. She could feel it, feel the life draining from her when she tried to save them.

That's when she let out a blood curdling scream, causing her mother to rush in.

"Are you alright Kathy?" Her mother hadn't expected to hear her screams again. She Thought the nightmares were gone permanently.

"I'm fine it was just a bad nightmare." She was sorta embarrassed that these nightmares were coming back. She thought maybe she was overreacting, but she wasn't.

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