Harem Update

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A/N:  Hey guys. It's me again. Sorry I haven't. .......*Gets tackled* Woah!

Ranka: A/N! You're back!

Jin: Where the heck have you been?!


Hitomi: How are you feeling?

A/N: A bit better now.

Y/N: Glad to have you back man.

Yukari: I thought you quit the story.

A/N: No! I just haven had time and my wifi has been acting up so it's been making it impossible to write. Plus I was doing my research.

Kurumi: On what?

A/N: On our new additions.

Y/N: New friends I'm guessing?

A/N: Or something. They should be here.

???: So this is the place?

???: Cool.

???: Hi A/N!

A/N: Hey girls. Blaze.

Blaze: Hello.

A/N: Mina.

Mina: Hi there A/N

A/N: And last but not least Amy.

Amy: Hi everyone. I'm Amy. Amy Rose.

A/N: @Iron8127 suggested these three be brought into the story and it even follows the Sonic cast since my character is Y/N. So I went sure. You guys have any more suggestions, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I'll have the next chapter done soon since I'm back in the game.

Y/N: *whispers* More to the Harem?

A/N: Yep. These three will be brought in when I get the chance.

Y/N: Oh.

Ranka: So they'll be in the school?

A/N: Cross that bridge when it comes to it. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this, let me know what you think in the comments and I'll see eyou guys on my next chapter when I can.

Later guys!

Everyone: Bye everyone! *waves*

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