Chapter 15

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What happened after that wasn't totally clear. Katy remembered grabbing the test and staring at it until it was blurry, then everything went black.

"Katy, are you okay?" her mom pleaded. "You scared me to death. You must have fainted. I found you lying on the bathroom floor."

Katy opened her eyes and realized that it wasn't a dream. She was pregnant and now her mom knew.

"I'm okay mom," Katy whispered. "I just had a little shock."

"I know, Katy, I saw it," her mother said with an odd tone. "We can discuss that once I know you are okay. Can you stand?"

Katy's mom helped her to the bed and got her a glass of water and a cold compress for her forehead. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt, at least not physically.

"I'm here whenever you are ready to talk," her mom said. "I am stunned beyond words, but more than that I am concerned for you and want you to know that I am here for you and will help you in every way."

Katy was pleasantly shocked by her mother's calm understanding of the current situation. Fortunately, she didn't press for details about the baby's father and accepted Katy's explanation that she hooked up with a random college guy at the party and didn't even know his name.

Katy was awakened from a deep sleep by loud voices from downstairs. She cracked open her bedroom door to the sound of her father yelling at her mother.

"I can't believe you let this happen Sarah!" Katy's father bellowed. "You are supposed to keep her out of trouble. You know the crazy life I lead, and this was your one responsibility and you failed!"

Katy felt tears spilling down her cheeks as she mourned her mother taking the brunt of her father's fury, and she reminded herself that this was not the first time this scene had played out in this house. But it had never been like this. Katy had to do something now, before her mother was taken down further.

"Stop!" Katy yelled as she ran down the stairs and faced her father. "I know you must be so disappointed in me, but don't blame Mom. She had nothing to do with this. It was all me."

Katy's father turned and glared at her with his fists balled up by his side. She could tell he was in deep conflict being so disappointed by the daughter he loved so dearly.

"Katy, how could you?" he whispered as the anger and disappointment came off of him in waves that struck Katy in the heart.

After standing there for what seemed like minutes staring at the floor, Katy raised her gaze and looked her father in the eyes, using every bit of conviction and courage she could muster.

"I know you must be so angry and disappointed, but we have to deal with this. I know you don't want to think about it, but I am going to have a baby. And I don't need to think twice to know that I will see this through."

Katy's mother looked at her with admiration but seemed to lack the courage to move by her daughter's side.

"You know, Katy, you can sound as defiant as you want, but you really don't have a say in this," her father barked. "Your mother and I will discuss what is best and let you know. Go to your room. We are done here."

Katy turned to her mother for support and saw in her eyes a glimmer of hope, though Katy wasn't sure how that could be a reality. Katy gave her mother a slight nod and ran back to the safety of her room wondering if her life was for all intents and purposes over.

After an hour or so, there was a quiet knock on Katy's door and her mother slipped in the room and sat on Katy's bed. She looked exhausted and her eyes were red from crying, but she carried a faint smile.

"Hey sweetie," she whispered as she put her arm around her daughter's shoulders. "It wasn't easy, but your father and I came up with a plan that I think will work."

Katy stared at her mother in shock as she laid out the plan for Katy to immediately go live with her aunt in Virginia and stay there until the baby was born and put up for adoption. Katy felt soaring hope as her mother started talking, but as soon as she heard the word "adoption", Katy felt her heart drop and she almost fell off the bed. Katy hadn't thought it through, but it hadn't crossed her mind that giving up the baby was even an option. Yes, she was young, but other high school girls successfully raised babies and so could she. And more than that, this was Zach's baby, and she would give her life to hang onto the life they made together.

"Mom, I think that is a great idea for me to go stay with Aunt Cathy," Katy said. "Of course, I can't stay here. The rumors would be out of control and it would be too distracting for Dad. But I know for sure that I do not want to put this baby up for adoption!"

"I know that is what you think right now Katy, and I admire you for that," her mother said as she pulled her daughter into a hug. "But I don't think you realize how difficult it is to raise a child. And you are still a child yourself. The responsibility would fall to me and your father, and he is not willing to take that on."

Katy heard what her mother was saying, but she also knew what her mother was afraid to say. She knew her father would not dare expose himself to the scandal of a teenage daughter having a child out of wedlock. If he knew the whole truth there is no telling what he would do.

"I appreciate you talking to Dad," Katy said. "I guess there is no other way, and I know that being with Aunt Cathy will be fine. She has always been kind to me and cool to be around."

"Yes, your aunt loves you very much, which is why I told your father that this was the only plan that I would consider. I talked to your aunt and she is totally on board with everything. I know this is scary, but it will be okay."

Katy's mom patted her on the back and headed out the door, leaving Katy alone with her thoughts. Her head was spinning. Once again, her world had turned upside down in an instant. Except this time there was another life at stake. Katy decided she would go along with the "adoption plan" for the moment, but she had to figure out a way to keep her baby. 

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