Chapter 9

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As Katy was getting ready for the homecoming football game that evening, she heard her phone buzz but didn't check it immediately figuring it was Emily texting to see when she would be ready to head to the stadium. When Katy finally got around to looking at her phone, she almost fell on the floor.

Zach61 Hey Katy. It's Zach. How are you?

Katy stared at the screen for several minutes trying to make sure what she was seeing was real. This was a moment she had been dreaming about for weeks. Her heart was pounding and her palms were sweaty as she typed a response.

KatyGirl2 Hi Zach. I'm good. How are you?

Zach61 Good. Tired. We got back from a long west coast road trip early this morning. But you probably knew that. Fleury showed us your article. Really good – congrats!

KatyGirl2 Thanks Zach. It was fun writing it.

Zach61 Is it okay if I call you sometime?

Katy couldn't believe her eyes. This is what she had been hoping for despite all the odds being against it ever happening. But the risks were great. She wanted to obey her father, but she knew she had to follow her heart.

KatyGirl2 Sure.

Zach61 Are you free now?

At that moment, Katy heard Emily's car pull into the driveway. How she wished she could blow off homecoming, but that would look way too suspicious.

KatyGirl2 I'm not. Emily just came to pick me up.

Katy didn't want to tell Zach that she was going to the homecoming game, because that would remind him that she was still in high school. It was the reality, sure. But she didn't have to throw it in his face.

Zach61 Have fun. But not too much. Just kidding. Ping me when you get back and maybe we can chat then.

KatyGirl2 Okay. Talk to you then.

Katy felt like she was walking on air as she skipped down the front steps and into Emily's car, but she had to keep her enthusiasm under wraps. No one could know that she had been in touch with Zach, not even her best friend.

Saint Anne's won the game and everyone had a great time, but Katy was just pretending. She couldn't wait to get back home and text Zach. The thought of hearing his sexy voice again sent chills down her spine and made her face flush. She was nervous, but more than that, she was so excited she could barely contain herself.

"Hey Katy, do you want to go with a bunch of us to the Sal's for pizza?" Emily asked as they walked out of the stadium.

"Thanks for the invite, Emily, but I am really tired, and my parents want me home right after the game," Katy said. "I think I'm kind of grounded after the newspaper article thing."

"Okay," Emily frowned. "Your loss. It will be fun. And I bet some cute boys will be there. But I get it. I will drop you off at your house on my way to Sal's."

Katy chatted briefly with her parents when she walked in the door and recounted the highlights of the big game, but excused herself quickly saying she was exhausted from a busy week and would see them in the morning.

When she got to her room, Katy locked the door, changed into her PJs, and turned on her favorite playlist. Her hands slightly shook as she texted Zach that she was back home. What if he was out on a date? Or what if he had changed his mind and didn't want to talk to her after all?

Before her fears had a chance to take hold, the phone vibrated and showed an incoming call from Zach. She would have to talk quietly, but if her parents knocked on the door, she would say she was talking to Emily.

"Hello?" Katy whispered.

"Katy, hi. It's good to hear your voice," Zach spoke in a deep tone that highlighted his Canadian accent.

Katy had forgotten what his voice did to her, and for a minute she couldn't speak. Her mind was blank, but her body was buzzing with an electricity she hadn't felt since her time with Zach in the forest.

"Hi Zach. It's good to hear your voice too," Emily smiled. She was glad they weren't on video chat, because her face felt as if it was on fire.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Zach inquired, with a hint of jealously in his voice that surprised Katy.

"It was fine, but nothing too crazy," Katy laughed. "Homecoming stuff."

Even though Katy wasn't planning to mention homecoming, she felt her defenses fold when she talked to Zach. It was as if he could read her mind anyway, so why bother trying to hide things.

"Nice. Sounds fun. I loved that kind of stuff," Zach smiled. "I wouldn't trade being in the NHL for anything, but sometimes I miss my previous life."

The conversation flowed easily as Katy and Zach got to know each other. Time disappeared and nothing mattered but the two of them until Zach glanced at his watch and realized it was after midnight.

"Wow, it's getting late. We should both get some sleep," Zach said.

"Yes, it is getting late, and I know you have a game to get ready for tomorrow," Katy said. "It was fun talking to you Zach."

"It was fun talking to you too Katy," Zach said, then hesitated and cleared his throat. "Can I ask you a question? And if the answer is no, then I get it. But I have to ask. Will you go out with me?"

Katy's heart skipped a beat at his words. Had she heard him correctly? Was Zach Donato asking her out? She knew seeing him again was the last thing in the world she should do, but it was the only thing in the world she knew she had to do.

"I would very much like to go out with you Zach," Katy whispered. "But.."

"But what?" Zach whispered in a disappointed tone that made Katy sad. She knew she would have to sneak around to go out with him, but she would figure out a way to make it work. She had to.

"Nothing. Let's go out." Katy said.

"How about this Saturday night? Maybe we could have dinner in the city? How does that sound?" Zach asked with a smile that Katy could hear through the phone.

"That sounds great," Katy smiled. "I love being in downtown Philly."

"Then it's set. I'll pick you up at 7 and we'll go from there," Zach said.

Katy's heart raced as she envisioned all of the potential pitfalls with this excursion. If her parents found out, not only would she be grounded for life, Zach would probably be shipped to Alaska never to be heard from again. But she wasn't ready to tell Zach about her father's strict rule. Scaring him away was not an option.

"I hate for you to have to come all the way out here since you live in the city. How about I meet you there," Katy said.

"No date of mine is Ubering into the city alone," Zach boasted. "I really don't mind picking you up."

"Okay. That is very sweet of you. I will text you the address," Katy said.

"Cool! It will be fun. See you Saturday," Zach whispered in a voice so deep and sexy Katy almost fell off her bed. What had she gotten herself into?

"Looking forward to it too," Katy whispered back. "See you then."

Katy was too excited to sleep, so she lay awake most of the night reliving their conversation and trying to figure out how she was going on a date with Zach Donato without anyone finding out.

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