Chapter 13

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Katy and Zach barely spoke on the ride back to Evesham, but they held hands the entire way. What they were feeling was so beyond words that talking might somehow ruin it. In what seemed like an instant, they were at Katy's house. Zach offered to walk her to the door, but she told him it was too risky. It was getting close to 7 am and her parents could be awake by now. Katy was hoping she could sneak into the house and into her room without them being the wiser.

As soon as Katy put her hand on the door handle, she felt the pain of stepping out of Zach's car and walking away from him. They had just spent the most amazing night together, and Katy was not the same girl this morning that she was when she walked down this sidewalk yesterday evening. And the thought of being away from Zach was unbearable. Before she could say anything, Zach reached over and pulled her to him and kissed her. She melted into him and forgot that this perfect date was coming to an abrupt end in a few seconds.

"Katy, last night was the best night of my life," Zach whispered. "I can't wait to see you again. I will call you later."

"Ditto Zach," Katy smiled against his cheek as tears welled up in her eyes. "Best night of my life." And against all odds, she had hope that maybe this could all work out and she and Zach could be together.

It took all of Katy's will to pull herself out of Zach's car and walk to the house. She was already re-living the previous night in her mind as she opened the front door and jumped at finding both of her parents sitting on the sofa facing the door with concerned yet stern looks on their faces.

"Where have you been Katy?!" her father shouted. "We have been worried sick and were getting ready to call the police!"

Katy was not expecting this ambush and had to think fast.

"I told you, I spent the night at Emily's house," Katy sputtered.

"Try again!" her father barked. "Your mother called Emily when she couldn't reach you on your cell, and Emily said you weren't there."

Uh oh. This was very bad, and Katy had to come up with a good story right now. Any story would be better than the truth.

"I know you will be disappointed. I was at a party. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was. Emily didn't want to go, so I went with a friend from school who you don't know and spent the night at her house."

Katy's parents didn't say anything, but she could see the anger building in their eyes.

"I can't believe you Katy. This is not like you at all," her mother glared. "I am so disappointed that you would do something like this."

"You're grounded and no cell phone," her father said coldly without meeting Katy's eyes. "Maybe that will teach you to respect our rules and be a responsible young lady."

"Yes sir. Sorry Mom and Dad. I really am," Katy said as tears started streaming down her face. "May I be excused?"

Her father nodded. "After you turn off your cellphone and hand it to me. I'll lock it up for you," her father commanded. Katy shivered as she obeyed her father, wondering how someone who loved her could at this moment seem so vicious.

Katy raced to her room, locked the door, and plopped face down on her bed, crying for what seemed like hours. It was bad enough that she got caught staying out all night and was grounded, but the worst part was that she no longer had her cell phone and had no way of communicating with Zach. And in the process, she told a big lie to her parents. Her best night ever had suddenly turned into her worst nightmare.

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