S1 ‹Special Operation Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2›

Start from the beginning

[Petra]: You're pathetic!..

[Eren]: Petra Ral. Titan kills, ten. Assists, forty-eight...-He continues pointing to the next person while (Y/n) listens attentively- Oluo Bozad. kills, thirty-nine. Assists, nine. By any difinition, they're the best..-The two notice two other men walking together-

[Y/n]: Eldo Jinn. kills, fourteen. Assists, thirty-two. And Gunther Schultz. kills, seven. Assists, forty. They're the best of the Survey Corps, specially selected by Captain Levi..-He nods and looks at the group, a sweat falling down his cheek- Hey, are you okay?..

[Eren]: Yes, only, if we both lose control, they will be the ones to kill us...

From afar, Gunther places his arms across his chest.

[Gunther]: Look at all these weeds. What a mess..

[Eld]: It hasn't been used for years. Inside, it's probably covered in dust... 

[Levi]: That's a serious problem..-The two turn to see Levi, eyeing the place with disgust- We'll begin immediately..-The next moment, Levi slams open some windows and changed into some cleaning cloths-

And so, everyone's mission today was the clean the castle. Eren goes down some stairs and enters a room where (Y/n) and Levi were. He saw (Y/n) cleaning the place with a broom while Levi looked out the window.

[Eren]: I've finished cleaning the upper floor. Where should I sleep?..-He asks, approaching him. Levi lowers his mask and states nonchalantly-

[Levi]: You sleep in the basement together to (Y/n)..

[Y/n]: In the basement again?..-She asks, making them both look at her. She walks over and stands next to Eren without taking her eyes off Levi-

[Levi]: Of course. The two of you can't control yourself. If you're underground, we can contain you if you turn into a Titan while half-asleep. That was one of the conditions of your coming here. It's a rule you'll have to follow..-Levi glances over Eren's shoulder and lets out a quick sigh- I'll inspect the rooms. Eren, take over here and you (Y/n), keep cleaning this room..

Levi walks towards the exit, (Y/n) watched as he walks past her. Levi leaned close to her ear and whispered.

[Levi]: I still haven't forgotten your attempt to attack me...

[Y/n]: Yes, sir..

They both watch him go, Eren lets out a snort, without stopping cleaning. Petra comes down from the stairs, brooming, until she sees them both.

[Petra]: You look disappointed, Eren, (Y/n)..-Eren quickly turns to her- 

[Eren]: Excuse me?..

[Y/n]: Huh?...

[Petra]:....-She continues to smile at him- Ah, I'll just call you Eren...Like Captain Levi does. Here, he sets all the rules...

[Eren]: Sure, I don't mind..But did I really look so disappointed?..

[Petra]: Your reaction isn't all that uncommon. He isn't the perfect hero that people say, right? The real Captain Levi is smaller, more high-strung, and more violent than people think-an intimidating man..

[Eren]: No, what surprised me was how closely he seemed to follow orders from above..-Eren says-

[Petra]: Because he's powerful and influential, you assumed he wouldn't let formalities hold him back?...

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