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wednesday march 23, 1986

steve had completely forgotten how he knocked his alarm off the table the day before.

so, both of them slept in late.

he only woke up when eddie started flicking his head, blinking his eyes open to see he was laying on the older one's chest.

steve looked up, eddie squinting at him and nodding his head towards the door.

'fuckin' phone's ringing, harrington.' he said grumpily, voice raspy.

he groaned, pulling himself out of bed and going downstairs to pick up the phone.


'where the hell are you?' it was robin.


'it's wednesday dingus! you're already like, 20 minutes late!' she said, annoyed this was the second time in a row steve's failed to pick her up.

'shit! shit— sorry!' he hung up, rushing back upstairs and opening the curtains in his room so he could see better.

'ah! jesus christ, steve!—' eddie rolled over, the sun shining direcly in his eyes as he complained.

'we're late, come on! i have to pick up robin!' steve poked at him, pulling on a pair of jeans and not changing shirts, completely forgetting the one he had on was eddie's.

eddie got up, rubbing his eyes and putting his jeans back on, digging through steve's closet to find something that'd be believeable was his.

he ended up putting on a plain black tshirt, everything else steve owned was too colorful for anyone to not give him a second glance.

before he shut the closet door, he saw the faint flash of blue & white in the back.

eddie reached back, pulling out a uniform with surprisingly short shorts, and a sailors hat that said 'ahoy'.

he started laughing, steve walking in from the bathroom as he fixed his hair with a 'what?'.

he saw eddie holding up the scoops ahoy outfit with a huge grin. 'when the hell'd you wear this?'

'it's— from when i worked at starcourt. shut up.' steve said, walking back into the bathroom.

'i'm afraid you're gonna need to put this on at some point so i can see it on you!' eddie yelled through another laugh as he hung it back up.

'that won't be happening!' steve yelled back, heading downstairs as he followed.

eddie pulled his keys out of his pocket, steve grabbing his off the counter as the two of them rushed out of the house.

he picked robin up, many apologies following as he pulled into the school parking lot 35 minutes after first period had already started.

eddie's car was already parked and empty by the time he got there, so he just assumed he had driven like an absolute idiot and beat them there.

steve got out of the car, robin suddenly looking at him in a mix of both shock and surprise.

'what? what'd i do?' he immediately fixed his hair, worried he'd messed it up when he was rushing.

'you don't listen to black sabbath,' she said, huffing in amusement.

'yeah, wh-' then it hit him.

steve looked down, seeing he'd forgotten to change out of eddie's shirt.

he screwed his eyes shut, rubbing his face with his hands in slight disbelief at himself.

'..why're you wearing eddie's shirt, steve?' she grinned, eyebrows raised.

'he.. stayed at my place.' robin's jaw immediately dropped again. 'no! not like that! his uncle was mad that he punched a hole in the wall and we didn't do anything i promise he just slept besid—'

'steve!' she yelled in a laugh, cutting him off from rambling even more than he already had. 'you sound like me, slow down!'

'i believe that nothing happened, but what about, y'know,' robin said, gesturing towards the school. 'it's not like steve harrington is known for being a metalhead. and, i'm pretty sure eddie's worn that shirt here already.'

'shit,' steve chewed on his lip, glancing back into the backseat to see if he had any kind of change of clothes.

'you know what? it'll be fine.' he said, dropping his hands by his side.

robin looked at him, a little concerned. she knew the hard way exactly the shit steve'd face if people suspected he had anything with eddie.

also, steve had failed to win a fight with jonathan byers AND billy hargrove, if it was any more than 1 person she was sure steve'd lose with ease.

he was pretty, but not good at fighting. himbo 101.

'are you sure? we're already late, i'm sure you could go back and—'

'no, i'll just.. i'll be fine. c'mon,' steve said, walking towards the entrance of the building as robin followed.

steve definitely got looks.

it didn't help that not only did it look like eddie's clothes, it smelled like eddie's clothes.

which was great, the earthy weed & cologne smell steve loved, but eddie was known for having drugs, it was painfully obvious it was his shirt.

he should've expected what'd happen.

it was last period when jason carver followed him out of the gym.

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